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  • 1.  ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-17-2019 09:23
    So we just inducted our new thespians and elected our offiers, and almost immediately we had a big issue with toxic negativity and lots of nasty finger point (I'm better than them and get no recognition, they suck, you should quit your senior scene show, etc). This student has now lost the trust of their peers as well as us, their directors. I've been looking through the Handout, our new constitution and the EdTA site for suggestions on how to deny this student her officer position specifically, as well as her activity in ITS next year and I've got general information but not enough to support should a parent get involved. I want our case to be air tight. Any suggestions? The Handout says a Troupe director can deny a student with just cause, and I have just cause. I just want to make sure.

    Jessica Sturm
    Kerrville TX

  • 2.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-17-2019 09:42
    Yikes! I'm sorry you have to deal with that. It's your troupe - ultimately, you can do whatever you think is best for it. Document everything and get your principal on board. For next year, make certain you include in the constitution a clause about how officers serve at your discretion and can be be removed for comments or activities detrimental to the troupe.

    Ken Buswell
    Drama Teacher
    Peachtree City, GA

    Theater kills ignorance

  • 3.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-18-2019 08:43
    I agree with Ken.

    Also, keep in mind that all Thespians are bound by the Thespian pledge (which is in the Induction Ceremony) which states "I promise cooperate with my fellow thespians / and work for the good of the troupe;" So all the Thespians need to uphold that, especially officers.  There may be mental health issues with this student, causing them to act out at a time when they should feel honored. Once you have the principal onboard, definitely reach out to the parents with your concerns about their child. Obviously they are not capable of leadership position at this time. Sadly, if they keep this behavior up, for the sake of the group, you may have to stop them from participating in the program completely.

    Keep in mind, once a Thespian, always a Thespian. That designation cannot ever be removed (even if the person commits a felony.) However, the officer position, and the privilege of being a part of the theatre group are determined by behavior.  I had a very negative, and then disrespectful student in the company who worked in sound and lights. Due to a number of reasons, they did not come back after the fall show (this was their senior year).  I cannot tell you how much smoother, and calmer the sound booth became, and actually the entire group, without having this overly critical, negative, sometimes mean and disrespectful person around. I had not realized what a negative effect they were having on the entire company. If he had been an officer, I would have removed him, myself.

    We have come to expect our elected officers to perform as Servant Leaders, and that is a very humble way to approach the position. Hopefully you can get that message across to them, so no one else feels they need to "shine in the limelight." Officers at our school put in hours of hard work, most of it behind the scenes to keep the troupe running smoothly. There is no room for a prima donna. These students are entrusted with some delicate issues and responsibilities, so you need to be able to trust that they will handle all situations with dignity and grace. In other words, the officers need to be mature, respectful, and trustworthy. Anything less, can wreck havoc on the troupe.

    Best of luck in handling this.

    Valerie Farschman, Drama Director
    MLS Theatre Company, Troupe 1422
    Marion L Steele High School
    Amherst, Ohio

  • 4.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-19-2019 14:40
    I would recommend you take a look at EdTA's Core Values. You can find them here:

    Feel free to use, customize, or create your own. I've talked to several troupe directors who post these values in their classroom. Core values can be inspiring, and can also act as a tool to set expectations and drive accountability.

    In your case, the ITS officers are violating the core values of People Matter ("take care of your colleagues," "be respectful and considerate of each other") and Be the Person ("bring joy and optimism").

    Hang in there. We all have various challenges, but the people challenges are the most stressful!

    Julie Cohen Theobald
    Executive Director
    Educational Theatre Association
    Cincinnati OH

  • 5.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-18-2019 09:35


    I hate to say it but this feels like a recent trend.  I've been having issues for the past few years with officers.  And it's only being made worse by "finsta" accounts which are "fake Instagram" accounts only certain students see.  That's where they will trash talk each other in the hopes no one will rat them out.  

    We've adopted a social media policy.  We've adopted a new Thespian Guidelines handout.  I felt that was the first step.  Get the expectations in writing.  

    The second thing is, if there is something I feel is bad and could lead to more problems, I send the Principal and quick email.  Just explaining briefly I had a behavioural or whatever else type of matter with a particular student.  I'm handling it but I just wanted to make you aware in case this has to go any further.  That way, if I end up having to do something drastic and the parents want to challenge me, I have the handouts, and the email to the Principal to fall back on.  

    As for removing a Thespian from the Board, or even your Troupe, I don't want to disagree with anyone else on here but I know I've read sections regarding that action and it is possible.  Again, this is an Honor Society.  Certain guidelines must be followed.  And we tell our board they are being looked at a little closer than the others since they are the leaders and should be setting an example.  

    Poor behavior and nastiness does and will spread through the club.  Each time it happens I've become wiser and learned how to deal with it as quickly as possible.  I know it's impossible to have 100 students all getting along perfectly for the entirety of a show, but I keep pushing the whole "we're a family, and you don't always get along perfectly with everyone in your family".  "Sometimes at family functions you just have to smile and tolerate them, but it doesn't give anyone the right to be nasty".  

    My predecessor gave me advice I haven't had the guts to try yet.  She would make an example out of one student for each show.  Allowing no forgiveness, the first person to break the rules was removed from the show and could not participate until the next show.  This showed everyone else she was serious and it kept them  in line.  

    We recently had our elections and already there's grumbling about certain board members not liking each other and the in fighting that will happen.  I will be dealing with this at our first new board meeting.  Explaining I have the authority to do whatever I want with my troupe.  I CAN remove the President.  The Vice President will step up.  And so on.  

    The last thing is, I always remind them, whether in general or for each show; I didn't go out into the school looking for each individual and ask them to come and join Drama.  They came willingly.  That being said, they will follow MY rules because there are many other students looking to step up and take their place.  Sounds harsh but they have to understand they are not entitled to being a Thespian.  It's an honor.  

    Sorry this is so lengthy.  Good luck with everything.  If I find the resources online with the guidelines I'll post them or send them to you. 

    Chuck Yarmey
    Advisor/Technical Director
    Wyoming Area Drama Club
    Thespian Troupe 4795
    Exeter PA

  • 6.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-19-2019 08:16
    I am so sorry you are having this issue. I agree with many of the other comments and we have not only a ITS policy but a theatre department handbook policy regarding social media and negative or disparaging comments about fellow students, directors, casting,etc. 

    In addition, the handbook says officers may be "appointed or elected". I have found elections become popularity contests and the officers chosen are not those that serve the best interests of the troupe. They also create hard feelings and some Thespians won't run for office because they aren't "popular" enough to get the votes.

    Therefore, I appoint my officers. I have an application they must submit that includes an essay on why they want to be an officer. This has worked well. If there is any negativity or hard feelings, I take the heat because I appointed much in the same way I cast a show.

    It doesn't eliminate all the little flare ups of petty in-fighting, but it definitely diminishes it.

    Just another option to consider. I wish you all the best. Remember, this, too, shall pass.

    William J. Eyerly, Ph. D, Ed. D
    Director of Fine & Performing Arts
    Academic Dean
    Canterbury School
    Executive Director
    Gainesville Association for the Creative Arts
    Fort Myers, FL

  • 7.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-20-2019 09:02
    What a difficult problem and with students that age, it's hard to deal with. I think you've gotten some great suggestions from others who deal every day with students similar to yours.

    Oddly, while most of my students are already "adults" in a grad program, I have recently run into a similar problem--a talented but toxic student who loves to show off his knowledge and tell everyone else what they've done wrong, even though he has the least experience as a playwright. Fortunately, my group is older and smaller than yours. And less connected on a daily basis. 

    However, you might be able to get some mileage out of this for your other students. You certainly never want to talk specifically about one student with another. You might think about what the group at large can learn from having to deal with negativity in their group. Again, I'm a bit removed from teaching high school but I have a grandson who is dealing with the "sturm and drang" of adolescence and is in a theater program. 

    Is there a way, in general terms, that you can raise an issue of group dynamics--specifically how one deals with negativity or wounded feelings in a group that is experiencing this. I was able to frame this for my students as learning to deal with negative and unfounded criticism during talkbacks at staged readings and workshops. 

    As difficult as your job is with this group, it helps if you can find some way for the rest of the group, if not the offender, to come out with something positive. And this is a terrible lesson for kids to have to learn, but they'll face it one day. You might want to approach it from the other direction--what is necessary from each member of a group to keep it high-functioning.

    Sorry if I"m way off base here, but I connected with your issue at this moment in time. You've had some great comments from others closer to your particular community. I hope it all goes well for both you and your other students.

    Jean Klein
    Playwright/Founder HaveScripts/BlueMoonPlays
    Playwriting Teacher in MFA program, Wilkes University]
    Virginia BeachVA

  • 8.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-20-2019 10:06
    Thank you all for the help with this issue. We get to have a parent-principal-student-director conference today to see if this issue can be resolved and I've drafted a code of conduct that included social media usage as well as Officer Expectations. I couldn't have handled this as well without all of your feedback. 

    Jessica Sturm

    Tivy High School

    English 1 Educator

    OAP Assistant Director

  • 9.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-20-2019 16:38

    You've had some excellent advice from Community members already, but here are a few points to consider with links to the troupe handbooks for easy reference.


    You can look at this as two separate but related troupe management issues: The handling of troupe officers and the suspension or removal of student membership benefits.


    Troupe officers

    As indicated in the Troupe Officers section of the troupe handbooks, "Installing troupe officers is optional. Troupe directors may determine the leadership structure, responsibilities, and the means of selecting and removing student officers in keeping with school policy. Details should be included in the troupe constitution and bylaws." Ultimately, local schools and their appointed troupe directors have a great deal of flexibility in how they set up and oversee their student leadership structures, and oversight responsibility for those structures belongs to them. In your specific situation this gives you the authority to handle troupe officers however you like as long as you follow your school policy.


    Revoking student benefits

    Official Thespian and Junior Thespian induction provides a lifetime membership. It represents a snapshot of a student's accomplishment at that time. As Valerie noted earlier, Thespians and Junior Thespians cannot be withdrawn from the national membership rolls. Disciplinary problems after induction don't erase that achievement any more than they would erase high grades or academic honors.


    The troupe director can, however, suspend or withdraw the student's status as a member in good standing of the local troupe. That affects most student member benefits and opportunities, including future participation, point awards, rank advancement, honor items, graduation recognition, scholarship eligibility (and any other benefits that require a troupe directors authorization), etc. Benefits that come directly from the National Office, membership card, certificate, subscriptions, etc. are unaffected. This policy is addressed in the Revoking Thespian member benefits section of the troupe handbooks.


    The troupe constitution

    Both troupe management issues underscore the value of having a strong, up to date troupe constitution. It lets everyone know what is expected of them in advance and in writing. It can help ensure students are being treated fairly and equitably and at the same time protect the troupe director from false accusations of unfair treatment or mismanagement. It also promotes stability and consistency as troupe officers and directors change over time. That said, even the best troupe constitution doesn't cover everything, and it isn't a legally binding document. It's assumed that the troupe director and administration may use their discretion to override provisions of the troupe constitution if it's in the best interest of the troupe and its student members. 

    Brian Benz
    Membership Manager
    Educational Theatre Association

  • 10.  RE: ITS Officer Issues

    Posted 05-22-2019 11:15
    I hope you meeting went well.

    I had a similar issue one year and one of the things we realized when it came up was that we didn't have any provision in our constitution for the recall / impeachment of an officer. We did an addendum to our constitution the next year providing for that situation and never had the problem again.

    Robert Smith
    VA Co-Chapter Director
    Centreville VA