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  • 1.  Thespys material

    Posted 12-04-2024 12:21

    I'm looking at the red light green light lists for Thespys. My kids want to do We Got The Beat from Head Over Heels. I know a while back Jukebox musicals were not eligible but I thought that was relaxed in recent years. Can anyone confirm this? 


    David Ellis
    Drama and Language Arts Teacher
    Auburn Mountainview High School, Auburn, WA.

  • 2.  RE: Thespys material

    Posted 12-04-2024 16:03
    Edited by Matt Curtis 12-04-2024 16:03

    Hi David,

    A quick Google search told me that Head Over Heels is licensed by Broadway Licensing Global. With that information, I headed over to and toggled open the accordion for that company. While they do have some titles on the Red Light List, Head Over Heels is not one of them, and so it is an eligible piece for Thespys adjudication.

    Best of luck!

    Matt Curtis
    Content & Marketing Director
    Educational Theatre Association