Hi Penelope,
While you'll have to decide for yourself how your personal accessories make you look (wink), I can confirm that we are exploring a different badge style this year. They are made of heavier plastic and should hold up much better than last year's. They will not come in a nylon pouch with a clear vinyl pocket (as in the Nebraska era), and its not guaranteed that the badge itself will fit in one if you bring your own. Above all else, the badges need to be displayed clearly so that Security can quickly identify attendees from non-attendees.
Hope that helps! See you very soon!
Matt Curtis
Content & Marketing Director
Educational Theatre Association
Original Message:
Sent: 06-21-2024 10:04
From: Penelope Haskew
Subject: Cool and smart or dorkapalooza?
So my kids were recalling how lame and fragile last year's badges were and how we've got our much more useful lanyards leftover from the WA State Fest, if we bring those to put our ITF badges in (and then have a pocket for key cards, pens etc) are we the biggest dorks on campus or geniuses? Anyone else bringing better badge lanyards? Any chance this years' are more like the Nebraska Fest days' lanyards?
Be well,
Penelope Haskew
Education and Production Director
San Juan Community Theatre
100 N. 2nd St
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
360.378.3211 ext. 1022