
Nathan Amberg

Hutchinson High School

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Hutchinson High School


My first experience with theatre came in 9th grade when I took a class called forensics thinking I was going to cut up dead bodies. This class worked as my "gateway drug" to theatre. I took several theatre classes in high school, helping as much as I could at my first high school in Hutchinson, KS. It was there I was inducted into troupe 2277 my sophomore year. I still was on the fence about theatre at this point. Then I moved to a smaller school in Norwood Young America, MN and became extremely active in theatre. In the senior yearbook I was voted "Bound for Broadway." My classmates had obviously never heard me sing.

I first went to Saint John's University in Minnesota for a double major in Chemistry and Education with a minor in theatre. After a little while I realized I wanted to teach English. I transferred to Dickinson State University in North Dakota and couldn't be happier. It is one of the few schools that offers an affordable way to get certified in theatre education. It was because of my connections here that I was able to work professionally for two summers at Brownville Village Theatre in Nebraska.

I will be student teaching this spring and I couldn't be more excited.


Dickinson State University
Dickinson, North Dakota, United States
English and Theatre Education, 2014