
Amy Ariel

Contact Details

Bronze Member



My name is Amy Ariel, and I am a Thespian alumni from Troupe 4250, Mills E. Godwin High School, Henrico, VA. Godwin was the start of my love for theatre, which I am pursuing at Virginia Commonwealth University with a degree in lighting design and technology!

I'm really fascinated by lighting design and how it can become a character within itself on stage. Without words, light can create a mood, reflect a feeling, or set a tone. It can be used as a means by which to see, and it can also be used as visual paint.

My ultimate goal is to merge lighting design and psychology as a career. Lighting design can bring out an emotion and, through my study of what humans are most sensitive to, I can combine psychology and lighting to give the audience an emotionally deeper show. In addition, I am also interested in conducting a study on how humans are most sensitive to types of light, perhaps in a medical setting.