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North Penn High School Educational Theatre in the Spotlight

  • 1.  North Penn High School Educational Theatre in the Spotlight

    Posted 08-09-2021 18:09
    Hello to you all!

    Thank you for all the new responses to the embedded survey. Your information is invaluable as we write a proposal to the North Penn School District about the continuation and building of our high school and middle school theatre programs. It will also be shared with EdTA.

    Last days to have your program's information included in the survey. I am not re-posting the long explanation for the survey -- you can read that on the Google Form or on the Open Forum from July 20. However more feedback and data would be wonderful if you have the time. You don't need to go into in-depth numbers, as averages and basic information to answer the questions will be fine. This information is helping me build a case for re-defining and building our theatre program as our high school goes into a renovation and building process, and as I put pieces together for retirement. It also coincides with our 50 Anniversary. It's about vision and dreaming with supporting data providing the "why". I'm looking to get a snapshot of curricular and extra curricular theatre programs across the country: what you all are doing to show what good theatre programs look like or should look like.

    The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete:  Educational Theatre in the Spotlight

    If you would like to know more about our current program, please go to

    If you would like to "chat" or have questions, please contact me at

    I will be closing the survey on August 12 to complete the proposal.

    Be well; stay well and blessings as we head back to classrooms.

    Andrea Lee Roney

    North Penn High School Theatre Teacher, Producer, Director
    North Penn High Theatre Thespian Troupe 5464 Director
    1340 S. Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA   19446
    P: 215.853.1294

    Andrea Lee Roney
    Theatre Teacher/Director
    North Penn High School
    Hatfield PA