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Alumni Trinkets

  • 1.  Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-15-2014 21:14
    Hello Everyone!

    My school is doing a huge alumni event at the end of the month and we trying to think of small, affordable trinkets to give to the alumni.

    We are expecting around 100 alumni.

    Thank you in advance!

    Alex Minton
    ITO Chair
    International Thespian Society
    Omaha NE

    Sent via Higher Logic Mobile

  • 2.  RE:Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-16-2014 09:56
    That is a pretty nifty event!! There's always lanyards. You could get whistles, flashlights, fans, Pom poms, etc. Small things like that! ------------------------------------------- Danysha Lamadieu Covington GA ------------------------------------------- Sent via Higher Logic Mobile

  • 3.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-17-2014 23:43
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    Two years ago we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our Theatre Dept. My Thespian President designed a logo for the event and we had pins made. We are still giving these out to School Board members, alumni and guest artists. I'm attaching a photo. 

    Krista Carson Elhai
    Claremont CA

  • 4.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-16-2014 09:56
    I know pens sound ordinary, but I love pens with names on them so that I know it is my pen and I am not stealing the one at the grocery store when I write a check. I am still using the one I got at the hotel in Boulder when I was at Moondance. Good memories. You haven't left much time to order though. Sounds like you need to hit the dollar stores. What about finding something for a play your school is doing this year. What plays are you doing? You have time to order a Thespian alumni bookmark printed at UPS Store or FedEx, etc. ------------------------------------------- Vicki Bartholomew Playwright Sherwood OR -------------------------------------------

  • 5.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-17-2014 14:58
    Thank you everyone for the ideas! Vicki, I love the pen and bookmark idea. With that idea in mind, we can get pens ordered for next year. ------------------------------------------- Alex Minton ITO Chair Omaha NE -------------------------------------------

  • 6.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-16-2014 10:52
    My theater group used to give out wooden picture frames with theater quotes, Thespis masks, and/or the year of the celebration. They all look great lined up along my mantle and I can put pictures in them from the event we had! ------------------------------------------- Katy Nuttman Auburn WA -------------------------------------------

  • 7.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-16-2014 23:55
    I don't know if they qualify as trinkets, but I think mints, chapstick, and hand sanitizer are all practical and popular for little giveaway items. ------------------------------------------- Brooke Pierce New York NY Sympathy Jones, the New Secret Agent Musical ( -------------------------------------------

  • 8.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-17-2014 09:53
    That's good. I was thinking Thespian theme, but the goodie bags at film festivals include magnets with a store's logo, product coupons, restaurant coupons, and samples. Sometimes individually wrapped candies. Another thing that they do is not have everyone's bag they same, like put the item in every third bag. That way you don't have to have the exact number of items. My pen idea could work with free leftover pens from a store instead of printing up a Thespian logo. It is still a memory of your hometown. I've gotten small rolled up posters, maps, and calendars. ------------------------------------------- Vicki Bartholomew Playwright Sherwood OR -------------------------------------------

  • 9.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-18-2014 12:00
    Is this a SCHOOL alumni event or a Thespian one? That makes a HUGE difference. Since anything bearing any EdTA or ITS icon or logo is protected by our service mark, the basis of the event will affect your options. Any other use must be pre-approved by the national office. Of course there are already MANY items in the Thespian Spirit store that are properly branded and are affordable. Anyone can go online and order these items. Aside from that, IF this is a school reunion rather than a troupe one, there are many companies that produce buttons, pens, key chains, etc. all over the place. Anything that's not protected by trademark, service mark, or some other "mark" can be delivered quickly. There are companies that produce T-shirts like Booster and Custom Ink too, in smaller batches. ------------------------------------------- David LaFleche Director Of Membership Educational Theatre Association Cincinnati OH -------------------------------------------

  • 10.  RE:Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-19-2014 07:50
    David, the reunion is a school sponsored event. Thank you for the tips!

    Alex Minton
    ITO Chair
    International Thespian Society
    Omaha NE

    Sent via Higher Logic Mobile

  • 11.  RE: Alumni Trinkets

    Posted 08-19-2014 09:17
    Thanks.  That is a good point for printing a bookmark. 

    Vicki Bartholomew
    Sherwood OR