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Community Spotlight: Alex Minton

By Ginny Butsch posted 09-16-2014 11:03


One of the main goals for our Theatre Education Community is to help theatre students and professionals from all over connect and identify with each other in order to build resources and support the theatre education field. We shine a spotlight on a different member every other week by conducting a simple interview. 

Our latest Spotlight Member is Alex Minton, a senior at Millard West High School in Omaha, NE. Alex serves as the Chair of the International Thespian Officers. He is also a Thespian member of Troupe 5483 and a frequent contributor to the Community (demonstrated by the Gold MVM ribbon on his profile!). Alex is always willing to share unique ideas and his experiences as a theatre student with others. He was also a valuable addition to the group that helped us beta test the Community before we launched to the public. I asked Alex to answer a few questions for us so we could learn a little more about him.

Photograph by Kate Ali, Your Shot

Ginny: Why do you believe theatre is important?

Alex: I believe theatre encompasses essential life skills: confidence, creativity, and teamwork. I have found that confidence is the key to a successful meeting, presentation, self attitude and the list goes on and on. Theatre builds confidence in students by praising their strengths and improving the weaknesses. I have been involved with theatre for 10 years and have been exposed to countless creative individuals. Whether it was my elementary school directors, or a prop mom at my high school, the creativity they possess and the solutions/ideas they bring to life are outstanding. Finally, theatre forces an individual (whether they like it or not) to be a part of a team. In order for a set to be built there has to be a crew, just as in order for a set to have meaning, actors have to tell a story. I have been in many team situations and have found myself working well and productively with others because of my background in theatre. 

Ginny: Any tips for students considering auditioning for their first play?

Alex: First off, do not be scared. I know exactly how you feel, and so do a dozen other kids in your school--you are not alone! To this day, I still get nervous before an audition, it is completely natural.  My biggest tip for your first audition (and any audition) is to give your all. No matter the character, no matter the scene, no matter who is watching, if you walk out there and give your performance everything you have, then you tried your absolute best, and you should be proud of it.  If you don't get cast right away, do not be discouraged because there are some roles that are made for you, and some that are not. In fact, if I do not get cast, then I will help out backstage to gain some experience.  I know you will do great and break a leg! 

Ginny: Do you have a funny or moving theatre story (prop/costume mishap, a cast bonding moment, etc)? 

Alex: It was the Sunday matinee of my fall show, sophomore year, and we were finishing Act I of Noises Off. For those of you that aren't familiar with this farce, the set is a two story house with three doors on top and four on the bottom (and the characters love plates of sardines). My character, Freddy, was walking through one of the downstairs doors and I slammed it on a hard plastic plate (the kind where the label reads "indestructible"), and shattered it. That was not all, because the force of the slam caused the door frame to fall off and crash on stage. I guess I decided to start strike early that day. 

Ginny: Name something on your bucket list.

Alex: I have always wanted to see the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in person, because I never wake up in time to watch it all on TV. 

Ginny: What is something we would be surprised to learn about you?

Alex: I have a twin sister, Mikki, and for our tenth birthday party at our local zoo, my grandma and grandpa bought us a puffin (basically it is a penguin that looks like a bird). So technically, I own a puffin. 

Ginny: Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of theatre?

Alex: When I have the time, I like to read and watch TV. My favorite types of books to read are fiction with some futuristic or fantasy element to it. Specifically, I would probably go with Divergent or The Fault in Our Stars. When it comes to TV I have a weekly schedule that drives the storage on my TV, and my parents, crazy. My favorites would have to be Revenge, Once Upon A Time, American Horror Story, Modern Family, Shark Tank, and Pretty Little Liars. 

There you have it-the proud owner of a puffin, master of the DVR and an actor who isn’t afraid to dive into the tech side! It’s obvious that Alex has a bright future ahead of him. If you enjoyed Alex’s interview, add him as a contact in the Community!





09-22-2014 19:15

Bravo, Alex
Gai Jones

09-19-2014 23:55

Thank you so much Ginny!