This weekend I had the privilege of being able to be reunited with my wonderful family and get back to doing what we love to do most, work our tails off for Thespians. It was such a joy to see Mrs. Carr, Staples, Swils, Ben, Erin, Ginny, Kat, Julie, Jim, and all the other adults at the Educational Theatre Association who inspire me with their dedication to this art form and students. I am so excited for all the new projects we have in store and can not wait to get to Lincoln! Thank you to everyone at EdTA that met with us and treated us as colleagues and not just kids. Thank you Swils, Staples, Mrs. Carr, and Ben for taking such wonderful care of us! Thank you former ITO, Katie Ferchen, for taking time from your schedule to edit our ITO application video, and thank you Alex, Danysha, Alyssa, Liz, and Tracie for making this experience such a dream come true. I am so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful community such as ITS and EdTA!