Registration for the Midwest Educational Technical Theatre Symposium is now open!
Join us on July 26th, 27th, and 28th at McHale Performing Arts Center in Logansport, Indiana. The cost to register is $150 for Midwest Section members and $200 for non-members. The Early Bird discount is available until June 27th and will save you $50. You can join the Midwest Section at any time, so there is no reason to pay the non-member rate!
The sessions are geared for K-12 teachers and staff and include instruction on Counterweight Rigging, ETC Eos Level 1 Console Programming, Theatre Safety and Management, Getting Started with Video Projection, and Common Scenic Construction Techniques.
Indiana and Illinois educators can earn up to 18 hours professional development with administrative approval. Check your state's requirements.
METTS is presented by USITT Midwest Regional Section, DeLong Rigging Solutions, ETC, and Grand Stage Chicago and sponsored by CLI Lighting Rigging and Controls, Dana W. Taylor Consulting, and Indianapolis Stage Sales and Rentals.
For more information and a link to Register, visit:
Please share with your colleagues!
Thanks and we hope you will join us
Dana Taylor
Educational Consultant
www.techtheatre4teachers.comEvansville, IN