How small is small? Pioneer Drama has several wonderful ones in the 12-15 range. Oh, Horrors! It's Murder is a great 90 minute musical murder mystery complete with audience participation, cast of 15. Yearbook Reflections is also geared specifically for high school with a cast as small as 12. From our ever-popular decade series, Give My Regards to Broadway only has a cast of 15, and Happy Valley High has a cast of 14 for 1950s fun. For something really different, Tales of Terror from Nightmare High School has a cast of 14.
Debra Fendrich
Pioneer Drama Service
Original Message:
Sent: 09-08-2023 16:11
From: Dannel Montesano
Subject: Small er cast Musical for high school With soundtrack
Hello amazing Community!
I'm looking for a musical for for a smaller high school cast with a soundtrack included because we do not have musicians available!
Any suggestions?
Thank you!
Dannel Montesano
Drama Advisor/Bilingual para
Galt High School