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  • 1.  Question: Universities Pathways to Theatre Educator

    Posted 04-20-2023 15:17

    Hello! I am currently researching programs in universities across the US. I'm looking to get my teaching license and take classes that will teach me how to teach theatre, rather than just general education classes. I'm finding most to be very expensive and am considering staying at my local college and creating an interdisciplinary Master's of Arts in Theatre Education (if it's possible). I wouldn't be taking any teaching theatre specific classes at the master's level, most likely doing independent study to learn how to teach theatre on my own. Does anyone have any suggestions if I should go to an actual program or try to make my own? If you have further advice on how to become a K-12 theatre teacher (I already have my BA in Theatre), please email me at

    Thank you!

    AnnaKate Williams

  • 2.  RE: Question: Universities Pathways to Theatre Educator

    Posted 04-21-2023 08:06

    Hi AnnaKate,

    If you're willing to relocate (assuming you don't already live in NY City), the City College of NY has an educational theatre program that's pretty freaking awesome. They work in tandem with the Arthur Miller Foundation who provides partial scholarships to students that commit to teaching theatre in the New York Public schools upon completion of their degree. And it doesn't stop there, students can also apply for the AMF fellowship program that continues to provide support for the teacher during their first three years as a certified theatre teacher. I'm totally biased though as I was a AMF scholarship recipient and am now a part of their fellowship program. As a fellow, I revive so much support: professional developments, a mentor, teaching supplies and my students are experiencing either free or highly discounted tickets to professional productions (mostly Broadway), and residencies from professional theatre companies.  I'm a fan!

    Charity Phalo-Davis
    Theatre Teacher
    Bronx, NY
    Arthur Miller Foundation Fellow

    Charity Phalo-Davis
    NYCDOE - Office of Arts and Special Projects

  • 3.  RE: Question: Universities Pathways to Theatre Educator

    Posted 04-21-2023 10:03

    Montclair University in NJ has a great program.

    Lynn Quinn
    Theater Instructor/Director
    Passaic County Technical Institute