We did PUFFS in November and it has been one of my favorite shows in 20 years of directing! The students and community loved it--even those who were not Potter fans. We expanded to a cast of 32. It is technically very challenging so give yourself much more time with sound, lights, props, and costumes. HIGHLY RECOMMEND the sound package!!! It was so easy to use and really makes the show. Join the Facebook group as well.
Laura Russo
Teacher/Director of Theatre Arts
Chatham High School
Original Message:
Sent: 06-01-2023 12:16
From: Karen Maupin
Subject: Puffs, the play
Has anyone out there experience with the production of "Puffs?" Would love to get some feedback on this production. Audience reaction? Actors experiences? Any big pitfalls, etc.? Thank you
Karen Maupin
Mountain Home High School