I used a scene from Anne of a Thousand Days (Anne Boleyn and King Henry) from Dramatist several years ago. It was a very intense and dramatic scene. However, in looking through their catalog now, it isn't available anymore so it wouldn't be eligible to do now with the new guidelines. Which is a shame, it is an incredible scene and has so much to work with for the actors, plus they were very into the historical aspects (and would be even more so now with the musical, SIX.)
Lea Marshall
Theatre Teacher/Troupe #1429 Director
Leon High School
Tallahassee FL
Original Message:
Sent: 10-26-2023 16:49
From: Jillian Lietzau
Subject: Need good dramatic 1 man 1 woman scene. Help.
I am in need a of a powerful dramatic scene (for 1 man & 1 woman) with emotional range for a couple of my really strong senior performers. We are looking for a competition piece that is preferably a little lesser known (but not required). Both of these students have a wide range and can easily bring strong emotional depth to their roles, so we are also looking for a bit of a challenge too. If anyone has any suggestions we would be forever grateful.
Jillian Lietzau
Lutheran High School