As you consider your summer plans, the Advocacy Leadership Network wanted to give you more reasons to attend the 2023 Advocacy Day in Washington D.C.
As you are considering your summer plans, consider showing up.
Showing up and joining other theatre educators in their drive in amplifying the student voice in your district.
Showing up at your legislator's office door, as an educator, and telling your story. It is more powerful than you realize.
Showing up and explaining to the legislative aide why theatre education is educating the whole child. Then having the legislative aide tell you that he used to be in the ensemble of "The Music Man" and completely understands. (Actually happened!)
Know that you are not alone in your quest to speak to your legislators. The ALN will be there to guide you through the whole event.
We need theatre educators now more than ever to come to DC and talk about your students! What legislators love more is hearing from students themselves! Students who show up really make a lasting impact.
Show up and be heard!
REGISTER for EdTA Advocacy Day, July 18-19, 2023
Teri Turner
tturner@gvr5.netMissouri Thespians
Advocacy & Awards and Grants