SOLD! - Sorry, these items are no longer available.
We did Cinderella (Broadway version) a year ago and made three horses for use in the show, Buttercup (the horse the Prince Topher rides) and two horses with mechanical legs for the carriage. Like many theatres, we no longer have the space to store them and are looking to sell for a fraction of what it cost to make them. I would love for these to go to a good home rather than deconstructing them and they end up in the dumpster. We are located in Parker Colorado. If you are interested you would need to pick them up as we can't ship.
Buttercup is built sturdy enough to ride and has casters concealed in the hooves, so it moves very easily when pushed by actors. NOTE: bridal and saddle are NOT included.
The carriage horses have been separated as we needed to use one of these horses for Hello Dolly! But it wouldn't take much to re-construct a base that both horses can be connected to and then connected to a carriage. Each horse has a motor built into it and when the reigns are pulled it starts and stops the legs from moving so it gives the illusion the horses are pulling the carriage. Two actors are still needed to guide/push the horses+carriage across the stage, but the illusion is great and worked really well for our show. NOTE: the carriage is NOT included.
I've attached pics and video. If you are interested please email me directly and we can discuss further. Thanks for considering giving these wonderful horses a home!
My email:
Buttercup video:
Carriage horses video (horses start moving at minute 4.30):
Jillian Lietzau
Lutheran High School