The platform will be attached to stairs and a lower 4'x8'x3' platform and ideally braced to the floor. I know how to build the platform, I have the 4'x8'x3' one built already.Actors will be entering from under the platform so I can so 4' crossbracing on all but one side. for that side I can do 2' crossbracing along the top. I just really need to know the best options for securing them to the floor.
Original Message:
Sent: 12-03-2024 16:49
From: George Ledo
Subject: 6 ft high platform bracing
Will the platform be free-standing or attached to something else, like stairs?
Will the bottom be open or have sides? If so, what will they be?
George F. Ledo
Set designer
Original Message:
Sent: 12-03-2024 14:29
From: Michael Johnson
Subject: 6 ft high platform bracing
Platforming should be constructed of 1 x 6 ripped to a width of 5 1/4" or 2 x 6 ripped also to a width of 5 1/4" covered with high quality 3/4 inch plywood either glued and screwed to the frame or installed with crown staples and glue as well. Please do not build platforming out of 2 x4's. They do not have the lateral strength required. Best practice is to build walls or "trestles" out of 2 x4 material to screw or bolt your platforming upon or to use compression legs for shorter heights. Lateral bracing in three planes will be needed and attaching the trestles to the deck or to a stationary platform is also a good idea. Keep in mind, the platform and any entrance or exit stairs will need rails of at least 36" in height and balusters.
Check out Bill Raoul's book on stock scenery for more detailed information.
Michael Johnson, MA
Trinity High School
Trinity, NC
Original Message:
Sent: 12-03-2024 07:51
From: Brian Kaufman
Subject: 6 ft high platform bracing
You want to build your frame out of 2x4s. Your rails are to be 8' feet long, and your inside pieces (toggles or joists) should be every 2 feet. This includes your two end pieces, for a total of 5 joists/toggles.
The best practice is to use 4x4 for legs. One on each corner (4 total) and 2 splitting the center joist/toggle.
If you are allowed to screw into the deck that is highly recommended. You may also put a brace on the back of the platform that runs from the floor to the top of the platform.
There are two ways to brace the platform underneath. The typical cross brace is 2x4 hitting the top of the underneath platform and leg and crossing to hit the floor and the bottom of the next leg. You can also do what is called "cribbing." That is running 2x4 on the floor and screw them into the bottom part of the legs.
Please email me if you have any questions or want to video time. I can show you some things I have in my shop.
Brian Kaufman
Theatre Director
Langley High School
Original Message:
Sent: 12-02-2024 12:32
From: Bernadette MacLeod
Subject: 6 ft high platform bracing
Building a 4'x8' platform that is 6ft off the ground to allow for entrances underneath. Does anyone have plans for this that I could use? Or links to plans or directions? I am VERY concerned about safety at all times so I want to make sure what we build meets the highest standards.
Thanks so much!
Bernadette MacLeod
East Mecklenburg High School