Here is the banquet program the student President of the troupe created as part of her duties. The president oversees all troupe council meetings, creating the agendas for those bi-monthly meetings and the once a month General Membership meetings. They also plan, organize and run the banquet.
It gives them leadership opportunities and lessens the load on you. The end of the year review is written by the council historian. This program is then edited by me. We may shrink this down to 1/2 size, but you can just run this off a copier as is for a larger program.
Good Luck
Valerie Farschman, Drama Director
MLS Theatre Company, Troupe 1422
Marion L Steele High School
Amherst, Ohio
Original Message:
Sent: 05-13-2017 17:08
From: Mari Adams
Subject: Template for Induction Ceremony
Does anyone have an induction ceremony program they would be willing to share with me? I am WAY behind and have never provided a written program before but I would really like to. Just don't have time to re-invent the wheel. Thanks in advance!
Mari Adams
Director Of Theatre
St. John Paul II Catholic High School
Huntsville AL