I did a 24 hour play festival for the first time this year and despite a few speed bumps it went amazingly well. Totally fun and the learning experience for the students is profound.
Victoria Kesling Councill
Chapter Director - VA EdTA/ Virginia Thespians
Theatre Director- Fine & Performing Arts Department NKHS
Artistic Director - NKHS Trojan Theatre
Artistic Director - Kent England Exchange Production
Virginia Commonwealth University BFA Theatre Education, BFA Art Education '08
University of Houston - MA in Theatre Candidate '16
"Love the art in yourself and not yourself in the art." - Konstantin Stanislavski
Original Message:
Sent: 05-06-2015 17:51
From: Teresa McGrath
Subject: 24 Hour Play Festival
I'm considering plans for a 24 hour play festival and am curious to learn how other school have communicated and planned this type of event. How do the students sign up for a role (writer, director, actor, etc.) prior to the start time? Also, how do you select the writers - some kind of "audition" process?
At this point, I'm considering an event in which we post a survey to our school community to decide certain elements the playwrights have to include (prop, occupation, specific line, etc.) and have them come to the school to get the assignment. Then return home to write the scripts and submit by a certain time the next morning, when the actors and directors arrive to jump into rehearsals.
Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated and if you have any paperwork explaining process and breakdown of the event that you would be willing to share, that would be great!
Thanks so much!
Teresa McGrath
Greenville SC