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  • 1.  Into the Woods Ensemble

    Posted 10-16-2019 16:56
    Has anyone did Into the Woods with ensemble added? I would like to give understudies a chance to perform. 
    Sara Giambalvo
    Vocal Music Director, Theatre Teacher, Theatre Manager
    Herculaneum High School, Senn-Thomas Middle School

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  • 2.  RE: Into the Woods Ensemble

    Posted 10-17-2019 07:19
    Yes! We did it two different ways. Four shows, 2 casts, 2 shows each. We did the traditional approach and a modern wjth more street clothes. The set was all trees with text on them. We incorporated ensemble the same way. Each of the midnights they came out, and the finale. We also added birds for Cinderella, butterflies for Cinderella's mothers grave, had a junior cast of the 7 dwarves crossing (I can't remember where we had them cross), I think it was somewhere after agony reprise. And had Hansel and Gretel do a cross. Oh and we added the three pigs as it's mentioned in the alternate script. Lastly, the hen and harp were both girls.

    Cori Bott
    Jackson NJ

  • 3.  RE: Into the Woods Ensemble

    Posted 10-17-2019 07:24
    We added some additional fairy tale characters that also doubled as set movers during the opening and ending of each act.  I let the students choose their character as long as it fit within the Grimm's Fairy Tale genre (No current or Disney created characters).

    Lynda Gibson
    Troupe 2829
    Flushing High School
    Junior Troupe 88305
    Flushing Middle School

  • 4.  RE: Into the Woods Ensemble

    Posted 10-17-2019 09:32
    We did this last year.  Don't laugh.... but I put 60 people in this show:)  I cast 5 boys and 5 girls as "featured ensemble." They were dressed as fairies (girls) and wood nymphs (boys) and they did ballet during Giants in the Sky, I Know Things Now, & Moments in the Woods. They also helped create some of the magic, like hiding the invisible man until his appearances or lifting the witch during Last Midnight. 
    I also had two sets of 15 people that rotated each night of the show as general ensemble.  They only had 3 scenes: The opening, Ever After, and the Finale.  They were dressed as random storybook characters that might be roaming the woods... Peter Pan, Goldilocks, etc.  They walked around in the aisles and did short dance numbers to bulk up the big group numbers.  I don't know if I'd cast that many again... but it worked!:)

    Lori Bush
    Director of Theatre Activities
    Pike County Middle & High Schools
    Zebulon, GA

  • 5.  RE: Into the Woods Ensemble

    Posted 10-17-2019 11:07
    Yes! I have! They costume as other recognizable fairytale characters and come into the woods during the midnight into the woods song and anytime they travel Into the Woods singing that song and at the end of both acts. It is fun! The audience loves finding who they can recognize. 

    Michaela Moore (English & Theatre)
    Juneau-Douglas High School: Kalé


  • 6.  RE: Into the Woods Ensemble

    Posted 10-17-2019 14:07
    Absolutely. I have seen trees as ensemble in middle and high school productions. In one, I turned the trees into a moving vine for Jack, moved them around while Little Red was stalked by the wolf. had them swaying and making fun pictures for It Takes Two, etc.