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  • 1.  Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-25-2018 18:03
    Hi All - My parents, recently enthused after chaperoning at our state Thespian conference, have come up with a fundraising project idea:

    They want to act in a play that their teens direct. 

    If we do this, I plan to organize the project to maximize its potential success.

    Has anyone tried something like this?

    Any suggestions for comedies that involve flexible casting that parents and teens might enjoy working on together?

    Thanks for any thoughts!

    Jo Beth Gonzalez

    Jo Beth Gonzalez
    Teacher/Drama Director
    Bowling Green City Schools
    Bowling Green OH

  • 2.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-25-2018 19:07
    You could do a Mis-Cast Cabaret!!!!

    Lizzy Brannan
    Theater Teacher
    Orlando, FL

  • 3.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-26-2018 07:10
    I've done Stephen Gregg's  "This is a Test" with teachers. It could work with parents too, and lots of opportunities for different student characters for parents to play-although it is a one act.

    Holly Thompson
    Worthington OH

  • 4.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-26-2018 10:00
    We do a faculty one-act each year as a fundraiser. I recommend Ian McWethy scripts from Playscripts. They are arranged in a way where you don't need everyone present to rehearse. They also have a variety of roles for all types. Some that we've done are 13 Ways to Screw Up Your College Audition and Bad Auditions by Bad Actors.

    Kristi Jacobs-Stanley
    New Orleans LA

  • 5.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-26-2018 10:31
    I have used some of Meriwether Press scripts, such as “The Carol Burnett” scripts. They are short, and the adults may have heard of them. Also my playwright friend Mary Krell Oishi has “Scenes That Happen” and “More Scenes That Happen” published by Meriwether. They are short scenes, and the adults portray teens. Our students loved seeing their parents be teens in comic well-written scenes.

  • 6.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-26-2018 11:08
    Have care, this is the slipperiest of slopes.

    What I've seen in the past:

    Have a summer show so it doesn't impact your season (otherwise this adult only show will take a slot in your season that YOUR students were going to use, lowering the education your kids receive). They are all adults so can be "unsupervised". Take the ADULT SM and give them keys so you go enjoy your summer (we all know that an SM spends quite a bit of time lecturing or corralling actors, and a high school student will be intimidated. Your student directorial staff needs to know they have an adult ally who "gets" it and is 100% in their corner)

    Have an adult tech director work with your students. This can be another excited parent. Hopefully your techs can do a show themselves, but having that parent TD again saves you the time.

    Now that you don't have to be there, and they are using the space when it's empty anyway, the show can happen in the first month of school (1 week to get back to normal work, 1 tech week of evening rehearsal where you watch it and see if it's a disaster, and then a 2 week should complete the project by mid September if you start when I do in Aug).

    Invite Teachers to participate!  You might have some diamond in the rough teachers who love theater, and after this, you suddenly have rehearsal coverage when you're sick or out b/c you've developed on campus allys!

    Do a really dumb, easy show for the first one. Do High School Musical. It's Disney, so it's super easy, and you'll be printing money in ticket sales b/c high school students LOVE seeing their parents and teachers dress up like High School Students and pretend to be them. The acting is simple so your neophyte parents can't do poorly even if they are terrible actors, and the music is simple so your student vocal director and pianist won't struggle teaching it to the parents and teachers.  The MOST important thing for you to remember here is that THIS IS NOT A FUNDRAISER. It's a show. Bake sales are FUNDRAISERS. They take 2-3 people minimum effort organizing 10 or so more, and they make money. Shows take the entire department and take over for at least a month, and take at minimum 30 hours of your personal time in free labor. They can make a TON of money, but consider (and this is what I tell my students) "If you had to pay me $50/hour to supervise every aspect of this event, would it be profitable?"  

    My above advice will minimize your time involvement (although still plan on that 30 hours or so, you still need to save the day in tech week when things are falling apart and you'll have to watch the thing at least 2 times to give advice before it goest still has your department's name on it so it can't be a flaming mess in performance or that damages your rep and lowers future ticket sales).

    Sorry for the essay everyone, but I've seen things like this spiral very quickly out of control a few times. Good luck!

    Bryan Ringsted
    San Jose CA

  • 7.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-26-2018 14:08
    I LOVE this idea! I may steal it!

    I would suggest you have your students write the plays themselves. They could direct their own plays or have separate playwrights and directors, but either way you don't pay royalties, the scripts can be changed up as much as you want (with playwright support/permission of course) to meet the needs and time availability of the parents, and if someone totally flakes, it's easy to alter the script or have someone else fill in. 

    I also totally echo that teachers should/could be involved too. Teachers advertise and bring in a crowd for sure because they talk it up to their students a lot and their friends and family outside of the school who aren't connected to our school or theatre program in any other way and might not otherwise ever see our production. We do teachers vs students improv show at our school once a year and it's a great fundraiser, super fun, and crazy well attended. We also use school staff as small bit and cameo parts in big shows where we want to get help with promotion around campus and in the community. I.E. they played extra nuns and party goers in the Sound of Music that literally just walked across the stage, but the audiences loved seeing them and they helped us to grow promotion of the show. I imagine with parents and staff combined for the acting roles you could do a really fun one act, or night of short scenes written by students and get a great turnout. 

    Sorry to write so much, but I'm super inspired by this. We do a 24 hour play festival each year with our students, and something like that could work for parents/staff actors too. With students we let them pick if they want to be an actor, playwright, or director, then we randomly draw names from a hat to assign them into groups on a Friday night with a randomly drawn theme and randomly assigned props that must be included. Then together they brainstorm Friday evening, go home, where the playwright then has overnight to write the play and turn in the script by 8am Saturday. 9am everyone meets back up, we rehearse all day with the original scripts, and by 6pm the pieces are performed. With such a short time commitment and the super flexibility of it, I could see this working with adults as the actors and students as the playwrights and directors easily.

    Any which way, what fun for a student to write a play they KNOW will be acted out by adults.

    Kathleen McNulty Mann

    Arnold High School Theatre
    Panama City Beach, FL
    Program Director and Thespian Sponsor

    Florida State Junior Thespians
    District 10 Chair

    Florida Association for Theatre Education
    Board Member
    Membership Committee Chair

  • 8.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-26-2018 19:14
    Thank you for this array of feedback! I'll let you know what transpires. . .:)

    Jo Beth Gonzalez
    Teacher/Drama Director
    Bowling Green City Schools
    Bowling Green OH

  • 9.  RE: Parents act in fundraising production directed by teens

    Posted 03-28-2018 12:52
    Hi Jo Beth!
    Several years ago I attended a wonderful parent production of Nonsense at Pam Ware's school. I think Pam directed it, an idea I like because it gives those parents a better understanding of the work that director does with their own students. It was loads of fun and played to full houses in her community. The parents in the production seems to be having a lot of fun.
    I think that show would work well since the set and costumes requirements are somewhat simple and the rehearsal schedule can be organized so that not all have to be present for all rehearsals.

    [Frank] [Pruet]
    [Former EdTA Board President]
    Atlanta GA