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Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

  • 1.  Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-16-2020 10:25
    Edited by Ginny Butsch 12-21-2020 08:24

    I know I am not the only high school theatre teacher with a case of stage makeup sitting in storage.  High school makeup protocol was sketchy Before Covid, after Covid - it feels like I really need to go downstairs and just throw it all away.  But it is hard to wrap my head around all the money I will be tossing.  I attended a workshop once where it was said an acceptable practice was to issue each actor their own makeup (for example the creme foundation) for the run of the show. After the show, when the makeup is turned back in, I would "clean" it by removing the top layer of the remaining creme and place it back in stock.  We do not allow sharing during a show and we require students to obtain their own mascara and lipsticks.  THAT SAID - I would like to know what others are doing with their stock makeup now.  Are we tossing or keeping?

    Stephanie Schultze
    Drama Teacher/Director
    Russellville High School

  • 2.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-17-2020 07:09

    I'm curious to know others' thoughts & advice on this as well. I don't think this is dumb at all or if it is, I'm on this same train! 
    We are definitely going through many supplies and tossing a lot of things mainly due to age & condition. But much of what we have is fairly new. So far this year, students did purchase a few individual kits and we purchased some very cheap supplies for each cast member to have of their own. Several simply provided their own makeup. (We filmed for streaming - no live audiences.)


    Kate Lindsay, Troupe #1476
    Salina High School South
    Salina, KS

  • 3.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-17-2020 08:56

    Some years ago we switched to personal makeup kits. Our students buy them, unless there is financial hardship, and then the production buys it.

    Students keep the kits after the show, no matter who paid, and bring them back for the next show, most of the time.

    While we do have some stock items (some hair products, latex, spirit gum, items for special effects), we don't have things that we issue to kids that they return, except for items that our professional makeup consultant has taught us how to clean properly. For example, we clean off mustaches after every use, not just at the end. The department brushes and supplies are kept clean daily, cleaned between their use on individuals.

    How will this look in the COVID 19 era? I don't know yet, we haven't been in the building since March.

    Putting makeup on a fellow student requires one to maskless for a good while.

    Once we are allowed back, we will doubtless develop some new procedures

    Nathan Rosen
    Atholton High School
    theatre teacher/director
    Columbia, MD USA

  • 4.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-17-2020 08:56
    Edited by John Rutherford 12-17-2020 08:56

    I do not keep any stock makeup. I haven't for 20 years. I require students to purchase individual makeup kits as part of their commitment to be in the production. If I need specific makeup for the show I purchase it for that show only. I just don't think it's a good practice to keep makeup in stock. I know it seems wasteful, but I don't think it is safe to keep it in stock.

    My 2 cents.

    John Rutherford
    Groves Performing Arts Company
    W.E. Groves High School
    Beverly Hills MI

  • 5.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-17-2020 09:02
    I appreciate the responses.  I think the dumpster behind our stage is going to get a bag full this week!

    Stephanie Schultze
    Thespian Troupe Director
    Russellville High School Theatre Teacher

  • 6.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-17-2020 09:58

    Timely article in the Washington Post :-)

    Robert Smith
    VA Co-Chapter Director
    Virginia Thespians

  • 7.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-17-2020 15:43
    It sounds like you have good practice during the show.  Yes you can clean you makeup, cream or pressed powder.  You can use rubbing alcohol to wipe down the surface of each product.   You don't need to throw it away unless it's damaged or has gone bad from heat or age.    

  • 8.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-18-2020 10:45

    We use little make-up spatulas to put the makeup on individual trays for each student, and have disposable applicators for them to use. The trays I get from the dollar tree are meant to be paint palettes and the spatulas and applicators are on amazon for cheap. I wouldn't toss the make-up personally. There are ways to do it safely and not waste the product. 

    Kristi Jacobs-Stanley
    Louisiana Co-Chapter Director

  • 9.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-19-2020 08:21
    Regarding makeup, I always used disposable trays & applicators to "dish out" a makeup allowance for each actor. If i was suspicious about the condition of the base ( this was Ben Nye creme), i would rake it home & "bake" it in a low oven. Many times it separated; I would stir & we'd be back on track.  
    You might want to check with the manufacturer. I got these tips from a makep artist ( Thanks, Warren!)
    Debbie Corbin

  • 10.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-21-2020 07:16

    Good morning,

    We got away from the "theatrical makeup kit" long ago. For the last six years, we have been purchasing individual kits for the students as part of their production fee. The only time we have purchased for the theatre is for very specialized makeup.  

    Crit Fisher
    Lighting/Sound Designer
    New Albany High School

  • 11.  RE: Makeup in Stock and Covid - Now What?

    Posted 12-22-2020 04:48

    Individual kits are the only way to go. 

    No one questions the need of an athlete to buy an athletic supporter; no one should question the need of an actor to buy a $20 makeup kit that can last them for years. 

    Kristi Ross-Clausen
    IATSE 470/Actors Equity
    Alliance for Wisconsin Theatre Education
    Stage Managers Association Board
    Teacher, Author, Speaker
    Appleton, WI