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Budgeting Lesson Plan?

  • 1.  Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-11-2018 14:10
    Hi all,

    Just wondering if any you have done a lesson on Budgeting and looking at the cost of a show with students? 
    Many have NO CLUE (even though I mention it regularly) that we must pay royalties for each production. 
    I would love to see how you break it down and what you do?
    I was thinking about printing an old MTI contract and starting there. 


    Erika Trahan
    Kaplan High School
    Speech and Theatre

  • 2.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-12-2018 08:04
    I have done this in the past. I notice most eyes glaze over when you start going over the contract.

    Mark A. Zimmerman
    Theatre Director,

    Akron School for the Arts
    Firestone High School
    470 Castle Blvd
    Akron, Ohio 44313


  • 3.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-13-2018 09:17
    We make a copy of our entire season's expenses and incomes (provided from the bookkeeper) and have our classes figure out the profit margins for our season and each show.  If they are contracted positions, we redact the actual names of people and fill in their job (MUSICAL CHOREOGRAPHER).  We also publish our spreadsheets of the initial budgets for each show and let our classes make comparisons about how much we predicted we'd need to spend and how much we actually ended up spending.

    Giving them the ability to "grade" the program/themselves/us saves us from "buget lesson plan glaze."  

    Hope Hynes Love
    Theater Teacher
    East Chapel Hill High School
    500 Weaver Dairy Road
    Chapel Hill, NC 27514
    work-919-969-2482 x 27500 (before 1:00 p.m)
    cell-919-308-3133 (after 1:00 p.m.)

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  • 4.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-13-2018 10:13
    I do but I do not go into the ins and outs of a contract--I just mention that there is one and how much royalties are for plays vs. the formula for musicals. If you want, I can send the page I use to have students fill out. I clip play or musical descriptions from the print catalogues I get and have the students base their numbers on that. It is very, very basic and that's what my students need to know in my Drama I class.

    Irene Imboden
    Teacher/ Drama Director
    Troy City Schools

  • 5.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-13-2018 21:21
    I do, but I don't get into the ins and outs of the contract.  I teach them about their legal requirement, then give them a total budget and some parameters and have them choose a show and then set up a predicted budget based on rights, scripts, and how much they believe they need to spend on props, costumes, set, etc.

    My advanced class goes even further.  They are a production company.  They get $1500 to start the year and have to produce two shows, one each semester, with that amount plus whatever they bring in through ticket sales.  The directors propose 10 shows to me, I narrow it down to 4-6, then we have class discussions about it before voting.  The discussion covers the cost of rights and scripts, how much they think it will cost for other things (or if it's a show they think they can do less expensively because we already have items they'll need), whether or not they can cast it, etc.

    Laura Steenson
    Theatre Director
    Reynolds High School
    Troutdale OR

  • 6.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-14-2018 10:10
    I have a unit in my beginning drama class at the very end of the semester called I Wanna Be a Producer. During the unit there are lessons of how to choose a season, what a budget looks like and why it may or may not be what you want it to, how to apply for rights, what you can/cannot cut from shows/add, how to market a show and what actual profits look like. 

    The students then pull a school scenario from a hat (economic makeup of district, yearly budget, amount of guys/girls, typical size of program and what the admin likes to see) they begin putting their season together (budgeting costs of rights/lumber/paint/costumes/lights/sound/programs/etc)I typically give them a full day to get a good grasp of what they want then they draw a wildcard (your mics all need to be replaced due to frequency legality, the admin doesn't approve of your fall show change it now, your football team is going to state which is the same night as your fall show, you owe $500 in late fees from last years musical etc) and the kids have to work that in. They then present their season to the 'schoolboard' Aka the class and we vote to do the season or not. The class has full right to ask questions etc

    The kids really love this lesson-and my classes are typically non theatre kids. It's fun how after this they like to check back in with me on how my budgets going or what wildcards I've gotten this year!

    Kimberly Wibbenmeyer
    Sullivan MO

  • 7.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 07:41
    Hi Kimberly,
    This sounds amazing. Do you have any handouts that you could share?

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 8.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 08:45
    Something like this is exactly what I am looking for! 
    Would you share?? :)


    Erika Trahan
    Kaplan LA

  • 9.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 09:00
    Everything is in a Google Drive Folder:

    I Wanna Be a Producer Folder

    Hopefully I attached that right!

    Kimberly Wibbenmeyer
    Sullivan MO

  • 10.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 14:36
    Thank you for sharing - I definitely plan on using this!

    Ken Buswell
    Drama Teacher
    Peachtree City, GA

    Theater kills ignorance

  • 11.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 15:33
    This is great!! Thank you for sharing!

    Cheri Addison
    Clover SC

  • 12.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 10:09
    I do the 'dreaded budgeting' lesson every year (that's what my kids call it).  They're given the amount of my budget to produce two full-length straight plays, complete with scenery, props, costumes, makeup, etc.  

    They use play catalogs or the catalog website to choose their plays.  Each play must have a minimum of 5-6 characters, and they must present three performances and use 'X' number of flats (for which they must purchase lumber to build), and their ticket prices cannot be higher than what we typically charge.  They can also sell refreshments for more income, but they have to allow funds to purchase what they sell.  Plus, we talk about royalties and why we don't change/cut/alter a script.

    I've found that, as much as they hate dealing with money, they have a much better grasp of why they need to clean paintbrushes and not waste paint and other supplies. They also understand why certain shows just can't physically be done well in our venue or why doing a heavy period-costume show can wipe out our budget. 

    Good luck!

    Janie Modlin
    Director of Theatre
    Ashland Independent Schools
    Ashland, KY

  • 13.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 13:07
    I'm not a teacher (I'm a set designer), so I may be treading into unwelcome territory here, but I'm going to make a suggestion.

    For the budgeting class, rather than basing the set design budget on "how many flats" or "how much lumber" and similar variables, base it on a number that reflects previous experiences. I've worked at many high-end community theatres (and one major scenery-construction company) that just came up with a number without learning anything from previous shows, and the results were very visible. "That's how we've always done it" is a common refrain, but as someone (or several someones) said, you can't keep doing things the same way and expect a different result.

    Another problem is that basing a set budget on flats or lumber tends to back the creative process into a corner. It also tends to reinforce the erroneous idea that all sets are made of flats and/or platforms and such. We don't want to put the cart before the horse.

    It's a fairly straightforward job to keep budget and expense documents from previous shows and analyze them every now and then. Then you can say things like, "Gee, we spent [so much] on the last big musical, but the set (or lights, costumes, whatever) weren't all that good. We should have spent more." OR you can say, "Gee, we didn't spend all our (set, lights, costumes, whatever) budget, but another department could have used the money."

    Over the part thirty-odd years, I've heard a lot of money-challenged production companies start off by saying that they have a huge stock and want to use as much existing stuff as possible. And/or that they picked this particular show precisely because they have a huge stock. That's fine, and any good set designer will take that into consideration when creating a physical environment for the story. But, as I've told production companies more than a few times, "I can't design Mame or Annie, from scratch, on an Our Town budget."

    George F. Ledo
    Set designer

  • 14.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-15-2018 15:07
    Thanks for sharing all of the ideas!
    will definitely use this!


    Erika Trahan
    Kaplan LA

  • 15.  RE: Budgeting Lesson Plan?

    Posted 10-16-2018 20:01
      |   view attached
    I sent you a message, but it does not appear among all the other messages. So there is every possibility that I have done something wrong. So here it is again.

    I don't have a lesson plan, but I do have a blank budget form that I created when I ran the Washington Shakespeare Festival. Hope it is of some help. I have attached it to the message.

    James Van Leishout
    Olympia WA


    Sample budget.xlsx   16 KB 1 version