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Curious Incident

  • 1.  Curious Incident

    Posted 02-05-2019 18:45
    For any schools producing The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, were you able to get permission to tone down some of the language? I'm considering it for the future, but I don't think my admin will allow our students to say f***.
    Thank you,

    Rob Duval
    Theatre Teacher/Director
    'Iolani School
    Kaneohe HI

  • 2.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 02-06-2019 06:13
    What a beautiful and impactful show!  We just did The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time for our fall play in November.  It was a joy to direct!  Initially, I had planned to keep the language in the show, thinking mostly high schoolers would be cast in the play. However, I ended up with several middle schoolers in the play (who were exceptionally talented), but the amount of swear words felt larger with the younger kids on stage. 

    I made a phone call to Dramatist Play Services and explained our situation and asked what could be done to tone down the language.  Very quickly they were able to give me permission to remove the words "shit" and "fuck" - but no others.  As a cast we met and went over the script, discussing the purpose of each use of "shit" and "fuck" in the play and how it affected the dramatic moment.  Then we voted on whether we felt each one was necessary or if we could portray the true intention of the moment with acting choices without the swear word.  We probably cut the amount in half in the end. 

    An example a moment that the cast & I felt that a word was necessary was in scene 22 when Ed hits Christopher.  We felt it was vital Ed say "What the fuck am I going to do with you?" which comes a few moments before Ed hits Christopher.  We felt that this father, grappling with his own frustration would turn to <g class="gr_ gr_2683 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar multiReplace" id="2683" data-gr-id="2683">swearing</g> before he would turn to <g class="gr_ gr_2684 gr-alert gr_gramm gr_inline_cards gr_run_anim Grammar multiReplace" id="2684" data-gr-id="2684">hitting</g> his son.

    I hope this helps - best of luck!

    Exit Stage Right, Becky Beth Benedict

    [Becky Beth [Benedict]
    [Theater Teacher, Director & Arts Dept Chair]
    [The MacDuffie School
    [Granby] [MA]

  • 3.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 04-22-2019 07:51
    Hi!  I love that you posted about Curious Incident!  I am considering directing this in the fall of 2019.  I wonder if you can tell me---did you do all the acrobatic bits that are in the professional production?  And also did you have trouble getting it approved (outside of the language)---it being about a boy on the spectrum.  I just saw it over the weekend in London---I was blown away.  Any advice you can give me would be great!  ​

    Lorie Baldwin
    High School Theater Teacher and Director
    Richboro PA

  • 4.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 02-06-2019 10:56
    I have the same questions. Other than the f-word I think it really perfect for High School.

    Emily Mokrycki
    Theatre Teacher
    Omaha Public Schools
    Omaha NE

  • 5.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 02-08-2019 19:50
    I just finished designing lights at a high school for this production.  The teacher was able to replace the "not school-appropriate" words with other words.  I'm not sure of the process she went through to do so, but just to say it's keep it as one of your considerations!

    Beth Rand, EBMS
    Educational Lighting Designer
    School Theatre Operations Coach
    Westminster, CO

  • 6.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 02-22-2019 01:10
    I just saw that the publisher is releasing a 90 min school edition of the show in April, following a multi-city UK tour in schools. According to the promo materials for pre-order, this will be a bit technically more doable in schools, and, I imagine, some of the language will have been toned down. Though it is England, so who knows on that count. :-)  I will be reading it as a strong contender for future productions.

    Steven Slaughter
    Rosslyn Academy
    Nairobi, Kenya

    "Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts." - W Berry

  • 7.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 02-22-2019 09:30
    This is awesome news!!

    Emily Mokrycki
    Theatre Teacher
    Omaha Public Schools
    Omaha NE

  • 8.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 04-22-2019 13:21
    ​Hi all!
    I just contacted the publisher here in the US----they told me there are 'no plans for a 90 minute high school version'. I I am disappointed.  I just thought I would spread the word on the blog!  Still planning to direct this play in the fall--- love it!


    Lorie Baldwin
    High School Theater Teacher and Director
    Richboro PA

  • 9.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 04-22-2019 15:05
    The Abridged School Edition was just released today if anyone wants to read it. It is only a shortened version. It doesn't contain any additional production notes, which I would have appreciated. 

    Steven Slaughter
    National Board Certified Teacher
    Rosslyn Academy, Nairobi

    "Be joyful...though you have considered all the facts."  - Wendell Berry

  • 10.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 04-23-2019 10:26
    Here is the new version...

    Curious Incident Abridged for Schools

    Steven Slaughter
    Rosslyn Academy
    Nairobi, Kenya

    "Be joyful, though you have considered all the facts." - W Berry

  • 11.  RE: Curious Incident

    Posted 04-23-2019 16:02
    I just want to be clear for everyone that the main character in Curious Incident does NOT necessarily have autism.   That is why it is never named in the play.

    When the St Louis Rep performed it, I was asked to do the preshow "Talk Theatre" since I am the parent of two kids on the spectrum. The main character acts in many ways that are NOT typical of individuals on the spectrum, such as: detachment from emotion and the inability to be touched (that was one of my main complaints. How did his father bathe/dress him as a child if he couldn't tolerate touch? Every kid on the spectrum I have ever encountered LOVES to be held by trusted family).   And yes I'm aware that "if you know one person with autism, you know one person with autism".  However several Autism Organizations and individuals on the spectrum find the original book to be offensive due to the portrayal of negative and incorrect stereotypes.  I would encourage anyone producing it to reach out to Autism Speaks, Easter Seals, or other similar organizations for guidance.  I think THAT discussion would be incredibly valuable for students. Many groups have a high functioning autism ambassador who will talk to groups about his/her experience.  The prevalence of autism is now one in 33.

    And please note: the preferred term is "person with autism" NOT autistic person. 


    Dr. Doug Erwin
    Director of Theatre-McCluer Troupe 787
    K-12 Fine Arts Coordinator
    Ferguson Florissant School District
    Ferguson, MO