From the moment that I walked into the Raleigh Convention Center to the moment that I was sent on my plane home from North Carolina's conference, I felt so welcomed and accepted! I was also really excited to be attending my first three day conference, so I knew it was going to be a super experience. Oh yeah, the festival was also Superhero themed!
Day 1: I arrived just in time for the opening dance (curse Connecticut weather), and it was just a wonderful way of kicking off the festival. It was very low stress and great for getting to know new people at the festival with out much stress about IEs or the One Acts until the next couple of days.
Here's some of the thespians and I during the superhero themed dance!
Day 2: This day was filled with One Acts. The shows were able to showcase their schools talents to the other schools in North Carolina, and truly just have fun. I saw many different shows from dramas to comedies to down right odd it was amazing to watch these kids go up on stage and live in their passions. We also got to do the Miracle Minute and North Carolina raised about $370 for the Lincoln experience!
Day 3: Today was IE day. From the time I got there until they all had to go to their adjudicator rooms, I saw students working on their group scenes or their solo musical theatre pieces in every corner I turned. It was really awesome seeing how serious and focused these thespians were to their craft. I even had the pleasure to keep time for one of the musical theatre rooms and I learned about some shows that I had never heard about before. I also had the opportunity to teach my N.A.P.S. workshop and my leadership workshop!
We also had some opportunity to take this ITO picture!
I must say that North Carolina's festival was an especially great experience for me, and I don't think I'll forget about it any time soon. I would like to thank everyone there for all of their kindness and hospitality and I hope to see many of you at the International Festival!