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Mentor Spotlight: Scott Wilson

By Ginny Butsch posted 11-19-2019 10:45


Earlier this year, we launched a brand new Community program called Mentor Match. This unique online networking and career development tool is an EdTA members-only benefit that helps you find, connect, and share experiences with others. Our Mentor Match spotlight will feature some of the incredible mentors who are available to help you accomplish your professional goals.

Our current featured mentor is Scott Wilson. Scott currently serves as the Vice President of the EdTA Board and on the board of Ohio Thespians, and has been heavily involved in the theatre education field for nearly two decades, even finding time to perform on stage in his community. He is available to mentor in a variety of different areas, including advocacy, budgeting, curriculum development, directing, troupe management, and more.

How long did you teach/have you been teaching? What subjects/classes?

I taught theatre, speech and English for 18 years and I now am a School Counselor. 


What are your areas of expertise?

I would say that I excel at making big shows work in small spaces. I was also very good at producing shows on a small budget. 

Describe yourself in three words. 

I would say I am thoughtful, approachable and confident.

Do you have any special training or certification?

I have a masters in theatre design and production. I am also a licensed school counselor. 

Why do you believe theatre is important?

Theatre and the other arts are essential to a well-rounded education. Additionally, theatre is a masterful vehicle for social-emotional learning, conflict resolution, and trauma-informed strategies. 

What was your greatest challenge in the classroom?

I struggled to hep administrators understand that a theatre classroom should not look like any other classroom. We thrive on the organized chaos of students working individually and in small groups. 


Tell us about the best day of your career.

The best day of my career was when I visited a former student who is completing his MFA in stage management at Yale University. He affirmed the value of the education and mentoring he received while he was my student that led him to where he is today. 

Do you have any tips for theatre educators who are just beginning their careers?

Maintain work/life balance. If you don’t take time for self-care, you cannot be effective when trying to help others. Don’t be afraid to say no when others are trying to add to your plate. You always need room for dessert!

Tell us about the moment that made you decide to get involved in theatre.

When I was in 2nd grade, a woman at my church needed a young boy for the final scene in The Curious Savage. She asked me to do it and I haven’t stopped since. 

What professional accomplishments are you most proud of?

I am proud that I have been able to nurture adolescents into young adults who are contributing to the world in their own unique ways. The skills they have learned through theatre are helping them on their journeys.


Scott would make an excellent mentor for anyone in need of guidance and support. If you’d like to request Scott as your mentor, here’s how:

  1. Enroll as a mentee.
  2. Visit Scott’s profile.
  3. Click on the blue “Send me a Mentor Request button.”

Learn more about Mentor Match here. Feel free to contact me with any questions about this opportunity:

