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  • 1.  You are seen and appreciated.

    Posted 06-30-2022 14:09

    I had the privilege of teaching a new workshop at ITF 2022 called "So, You Think You Want to Be a Theatre Teacher". It was encouraging to see the number of students who were exploring theatre education as a possible career path. But what moved me most were the lovely and insightful things students said about their theatre teachers.

    At dinner one evening, I mentioned the students' comments to a recently retired theatre educator who suggested I share them on the Open Forum.

    I first asked, "What words come to mind when I say, 'theatre teacher'?"

    • Positive words (usually said first): "dedicated", "a mentor", "an advocate", "creative", "a multi-tasker", "enthusiastic", "bold", "a leader", "hard-working", "flexible"
    • Amusing words: "eccentric", "quirky", "like MacGyver", "they appreciate silliness", "fun to be around", "contagious energy", "sometimes scary", "laugh every day", "unpredictable - in a good way"
    • Accurate words: "overworked", "underpaid for the hours they work", "not enough support", "sometimes stressed"
    • Encouraging words: "courageous", "someone who inspires me", "challenging", "a task master", "a supporter", "a connector", "fair", "a life changer", "a life saver"

    I followed up asking, "Why are you interested in becoming a theatre teacher?" A few of my favorite replies were: 

    • "Theatre teachers change lives." 
    • "I want to create a safe space where kids can discover and express themselves." 
    • "They get the journey started." 
    • "My theatre teacher is enthusiastic, motivated, and one of the happiest people I know. Who wouldn't want that?"

    If they haven't already told you directly, you are seen and appreciated. Enjoy the summer as you recharge for the next group.

    [Jim] [Hoare]
    [New York] [NY]

  • 2.  RE: You are seen and appreciated.

    Posted 07-01-2022 08:12
    Thank you for sharing Jim. While we do what we do because we recognize that what we do can change lives, it is inspiring to know that our students get it- they know that theatre program across the world can change the landscape for young humans in so many ways.

    Jennifer Morgan

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