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Wednesday Wisdom from an Emeritus member

  • 1.  Wednesday Wisdom from an Emeritus member

    Posted 17 days ago

    Getting students involved in the theatre world beyond your campus.

    It always amazes me when I meet a theatre teacher who never takes their students beyond the walls of their campus. I don't how I would have managed my 38 years without the support, mentorship, and collaboration of the theatre educators and guest artists I met at Thespian events, area theatre festivals, and college sponsored workshops. Not only did I find community, but my students were able to learn so much from other theatre practitioners and meet students from different programs.

    Taking students off campus, especially if it involves an overnight, can be a logistical nightmare, but the benefits far outweigh the pile of paperwork it takes to plan the trip. Look at the options in your area and plan to add one new event to your schedule. As time goes by consider your state Thespian conference or other Thespian offerings. Once you attend your kids will help the excitement momentum for the next year, and these events can be a provided to the kids who would benefit most from these experiences.

    Nothing in your area? Plan a small exchange with a nearby school where you can all have some workshop offerings and watch each other perform. Nothing complicated, but a great opportunity for the students and adults to collaborate and learn together.Sending many break a legs for all of your spring shows, showcases, inductions, and year end theatre activities!

    Krista Carson Elhai
    President, Educational Theatre Association
    Educational Theatre Foundation Board of Trustees
    Past President, CA Educational Theatre Association
    Membership Chair, California State Thespians
    Claremont CA