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  • 1.  Elementary Theatre Day Camp

    Posted 05-06-2019 13:01
    My school offers a week long camp each summer and I am teaching a theatre track. It is one hour long each day for 5 days. 
    I'm just beginning to brainstorm how to do this effectively & successfully. Basically a five hour theatre "camp" for K-2nd and another one for 3rd - 5th. 
    Whew! Can anyone help jumpstart my creativity?
    Thank you!!

    Stephanie Porterfield
    Mill Creek Mainstage
    Mill Creek Elementary School
    Nolensville TN

  • 2.  RE: Elementary Theatre Day Camp

    Posted 05-06-2019 14:08

    We have a longer format program, but certain thing might adapt well to your circumstance. For the younger crowd we focus on theatre "games" that help with creating a character or telling a story, and working in smaller groups within the larger group. The games can even used themes to help like pirates and princesses or superheros... even better if you camp has a theme you can tie into.

    Good luck! It is great to be able to offer younger ones an age appropriate introduction to theatre. 


    David Simpson
    Performing Arts Center Manager
    East China Schools
    East China MI

  • 3.  RE: Elementary Theatre Day Camp

    Posted 05-07-2019 05:26

    For the K-2:  

    *Read a story and have the kiddos act it out. You can do this scene by scene, by having small groups pick their favorite scene and dramatize it, or by staging the entire story.  Poetry works well for this, too.

    * Station-work.  Bring in items to fill three areas: Props, costumes, and puppets. Rotate so each child has a turn in each station.

    *Tongue-twisters.  For warm-ups, in addition to doing something physical, have some fun with tongue-twisters.  The kiddos are really working on the formation of sounds and they have a lot of fun with this.  By the end of the week, have them make up (and try out) tongue twisters for each other

    *Movement games.  Remember that fine motor skills are still developing, so games that promote body awareness and move into character are great.  Milling works really well. I have them play "Walk, Freeze, Pose, Animal" where walk is a 'hallway' walk, freeze is...well... a freeze, pose is their most glamorous camera shot, and animal is an animal statue. 

    For 3-5:  

    *Anything from Viola Spolin's Theatre Games for the Classroom.  

    *If you want to be a bit more improv-based but still age appropriate, take a look at The Second City Guide to Improv in the Classroom. It is a bit loose in format, but has very adaptable ideas for elementary improv.

    *Reader's Theatre- Use a few published examples in days one and two.  On days three and four have the kids create their own, and perform on day five.

    *Theme days.  Have a theme for each drama day  (superhero, witches and wizards, princesses/princes/dragons, etc.) and have the kids crease short scenes that embody the theme each day.

    Most of all.... Have a lot of fun!

    Suzanne Katz
    Washington DC

  • 4.  RE: Elementary Theatre Day Camp

    Posted 05-07-2019 09:03
    If you can get a copy of Viola Spolin's Theatre Games for the Classroom, A Teacher's Handbook - Northwestern University Press, you will find a lot of information for creating a series of workshops just right for any elementary age group. I would suggest reading through the introductory materials in the book and especially the piece on workshops and the sample workshop sequence. You should be able to easily build a 5 day workshop series for your students from this book. All of the games are very clearly outlined, there are ideas for warm-ups, games, and wrap-ups and advice is shared about age group differences to expect.

    The games outlined are lots of fun and students learn a lot. Your campers should look forward to 'drama time' every day.


    Jill Campbell
    Gifted Support/Learning Enrichment ARTsmART
    State High Thespian Troupe 5029
    State College Area High School
    State College, PA 16801
    (814) 231-4114