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  • 1.  The Breakfast Club - double whammy: censored & illegal

    Posted 04-12-2017 12:41

    When A Censored Play Was Already In Violation of Copyright
    12 April 2017

    "The shutting down of a high school play at East Newton High School in Granby, Missouri last week may have set a new low in bad timing for such incidents. The show was not canceled after casting, during rehearsals, just prior to opening night or following the first performance. No, at East Newton the show was canceled roughly 10 minutes into the second act on its first night. Why? Because two parents, watching the show, demanded that their child be pulled off the stage."

    The full article is linked here:
    Link to Arts Integrity column by Howard Sherman

    Michael McDonough
    TRW - Director of Amateur Licensing
    New York

  • 2.  RE: The Breakfast Club - double whammy: censored & illegal

    Posted 04-12-2017 14:19
    I have always wanted to do this film as a play, because it is set up like one, and it is a great character study.  However, I never have for both the reasons mentioned in this piece.  There is no stage adaption, and although I could write one, it being such a well known film, the likelihood that it would escape the notice for rights issues.  And, the language--now that is a problem, but I don't understand how a teacher would feel, regardless of discussing it with administration, that the language would be okay.  It would have to be edited, which should have been done.

    As for the parent's permission, frankly, I can't believe that a parent would have no idea of the content of The Breakfast Club, so to pull them out of the production is a little ridiculous.  They should have looked at a script ahead of time.  I have had a few shows that had some questionable items in them, and I have specifically mentioned them in the letter home so the parents know.  When they come back signed, I call the parents to make sure it is legit.  

    It should never have come to this--and there was some lapse of judgment on the part of the adults, but it could be a teachable moment for everyone.

    Jennifer Miguel
    Hampton, VA

  • 3.  RE: The Breakfast Club - double whammy: censored & illegal

    Posted 04-13-2017 09:54
    This entire situation could have been avoided, if the directors had not tried to circumvent the law.  How sad for the students and the program.  I really feel that we, as a profession, need to be more intentional about educating ourselves, our administration, our parents/students, and each other concerning copyright laws.  I have had quite a few students bring "monologues" that are from movies and tv shows.  They get these from their "acting coaches", coaches from "development agencies" that parents are paying a huge sum of money for (therefore they must know more than me, there friendly degree holding professional).  I have also run into many instances of local theatre groups doing "Concert" versions of shows.  Then you approach administration to pay for rights and they suggest "just doing a [insert composer here] review..."their free".  It just puts those of us trying to conduct ourselves with integrity and professionalism, in a very difficult situation.  Okay, rant over!

    Myndee Washington
    Spring Hill FL

  • 4.  RE: The Breakfast Club - double whammy: censored & illegal

    Posted 04-13-2017 10:07
    What do you do when a local group or school is doing a work that you know they did not pay for or major changes have been made without permission? One of the local performing arts schools in our community make changes in scripts to make it "safe" for their students. Right, "safe" for students in a performing arts school? Shouldn't they be doing the more advanced work? I'm always drawn between turning my head or turning them in. I try not to support any performance that I know has violated copywright restrictions.

    John Perry
    Drama Instructor
    Atherton High School
    Louisville KY

  • 5.  RE: The Breakfast Club - double whammy: censored & illegal

    Posted 04-13-2017 10:51

    I have dropped a line to publishers in the past when I've gotten wind of something unlicensed or questionable (of course if it's my own work and it's unlicensed, I DEFINITELY go after it). But I think everyone has a responsibility to turn in infringements. Ostensibly, if one saw a burglary in progress, one would call 911. Wholecloth infringement is no different than theft.

    What does get more gray is where they have made changes to the play without permission. Example: I was back in Philadelphia visiting my parents for my mom's birthday in January, and a local school was producing 4 A.M. in its student-directed one-act festival. My folks had never seen that one before, and that same school had done a great production of After Math a few years earlier. I thought it would be a treat. Leaving quality out for a moment (and it was unfortunately nowhere near the level of their previous production), the Jake (or Jane) monologues, which are the heart of the show, had gotten an "adjustment." Suddenly there was profanity in them that didn't exist in the text. (The Jogger scenes, which are fairly brief to begin with, became so brief as to be, uh...not there, but I found the addition of unnecessary profanity to my work the bigger issue.) What to do... I'd already said my hellos at the beginning, and while I wasn't at all happy, I decided it was best afterward simply to leave.

    I thought about writing the sponsor, but in the end decided that I can only fight so many battles--at least I got paid. I did, however, want my parents to know that the play was better (and different) from the production that they had seen, so I directed them to YouTube, where ironically there's an illegally recorded (though they did pay the stage licensing fee, at least) production of the show that is quite good.

    So I guess the moral of the story is that even when one is the owner of the copyright, it can still get a little murky from time to time.

    As for what happened with The Breakfast Club, eek. Some adults have some learning to do.


    Jonathan Dorf
    Playwright/ Co-founder of YouthPLAYS/ Co-chair of The Alliance Of Los Angeles Playwrights
    Los Angeles CA

  • 6.  RE: The Breakfast Club - double whammy: censored & illegal

    Posted 04-14-2017 12:47
    I find this to be a wonderful learning opportunity.  

    I have saved the article and intend to use for our required argumentative essay assignment. It's a great way to open discussion &teach students about copyright.

    For each production, I create a budget with my club officers & then we do an expenditure report after the show.  Every year, while learning about the budget, kids always ask, "What are royalties," and "Why do we have to pay for all those scripts; why not just copy them?" 

    We live in a world where kids don't think twice about downloading music or movies, most don't even realize it's illegal and feel "entitled" to whatever they want. "But I'm poor &they are rich, so why should I pay them," is an often heard excuse. I always get an earful from parents who believe it is their right to record their kid in the show & post on YouTube for the world to see. "But that's my kid. I have a right to record them if I want to." 

    We live in a world where people are just not educated on this issue, so as educators, I feel it's our responsibility to do more than just follow the laws for our productions, but also educate students, parents & administrators on the issues as well.

    Jeana Whitaker
    Theatre Director
    Mesa AZ

  • 7.  RE: The Breakfast Club - double whammy: censored & illegal

    Posted 04-14-2017 13:21
    What a cluster! Sad situation with a series of events that created the perfect storm. Who suffers the most? The kids. There is so much great material out there...I just don't get it. Love & learn.

    Garry Tiller
    Theatre Arts Teaching Artist
    Hawaii Independent Schools
    Honolulu, HI