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  • 1.  Honor cords for inactive Thespians?

    Posted 03-15-2018 12:21
    Good morning, I have a former student who left our school over a year ago asking for Honor cords for their upcoming graduation from their new school (that does not have a Thespian troupe). Per our Troupe constitution, the student would not receive cords if they are an inactive member--much less if they didn't attend our school!

    Is our constitution not up to date? It seems odd to give out Honor cords, the last award I can bestow on a graduate from my program, to someone who is not actually in my program any longer.


    Bret Cherland
    Hemet CA

  • 2.  RE: Honor cords for inactive Thespians?

    Posted 03-15-2018 12:48
    Was she a member in good standing before she left?

    Not to be a downer about it, but "honor cords" or "no honor cords" will not matter at all after graduation, except to the student herself. It won't get or cost her a job or scholarship. Or, if it has a chance to do so, why not give her that chance?

    Seems like she wants to stand out from her classmates as having done something unique to herself. Maybe a little attention-seeking, but par for the course in adolescents. If it's within your means to grant her request, I see no real reason not to, unless there's an ITS bylaw prohibiting it or you have a problem with the ex-student herself.

    Josh Kauffman
    Winfield AL

  • 3.  RE: Honor cords for inactive Thespians?

    Posted 03-15-2018 14:10
    She was a difficult, but active, member of the troupe. It really only matters to me in setting a precedent; if a student starts with me but moves on to a private school with no troupe (there is one in the area that is a big draw for Theatre students), I would be the one having to manage their Thespian materials long after they have left my program. I haven't yet contacted the Home Office to see if this is an issue.

    Thanks for your feedback!

    Bret Cherland
    Hemet CA

  • 4.  RE: Honor cords for inactive Thespians?

    Posted 03-16-2018 08:50
    If a student transfers to another school, I do not consider them part of my troupe any longer.  There is a process through home office to transfer a student's membership to another troupe.

    Why not use this as an opportunity for another school to charter a new troupe?  If the student feels so strongly about it - let her be the one to take that charge and see if a faculty advisor at the new school would be willing to sponsor a troupe!

    I agree that it may seem "harmless" at the moment - but it could be opening a can of worms for the future.  There was a discussion a while back about students at our own schools who may have been inducted, but were not permitted by the troupe director to wear stoles/honor cords because of their lack of RECENT involvement at their own school.   That's the situation I'm in... someone who was highly involved in grades 9 and 10 - but hasn't been in club or a show since then...

    Melissa Mintzer
    Willow Street PA

  • 5.  RE: Honor cords for inactive Thespians?

    Posted 03-16-2018 10:15
    I am having a somewhat similar issue. A Student’s last day was yesterday as a spot opened up in a Charter School, we are in a Catholic School. Her family has asked the administration if she can continue in the play. She has a small part with 2 (1 verse each) solos. We are only 1/2 way through rehearsals so not really a problem to recast or break up her part. If she is allowed to continue, I don’t like the precedent it may set but if I intervene it might look like I don’t want her. Ideas? Advice?

    Maria Stadtmueller
    Theater Director

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    Memory Repair Protocol

  • 6.  RE: Honor cords for inactive Thespians?

    Posted 03-16-2018 14:30

    There seem to be two fundamental questions here:

    1. What happens when a student member transfers from my school/troupe to another school that doesn't have a troupe of its own?
    2. What are my troupe's obligations to that transfer student?

    The answer to the first question can be found in Appendix 3 of the troupe handbooks at

    • The student is still affiliated with and a member of the troupe at his or her original school. Whether or not he or she is a member in good standing is decided by the troupe director.
    • The student may transfer ITS affiliation or membership to a nearby troupe with that troupe director's permission provided that the student participates in the regular activities of that school's theatre program and troupe (beyond any preparation for or participation in ITS district, chapter, region, or national events).

    The term "inactive" can mean many different things, so to avoid confusion we suggest the concept of "good standing" to explain a student's membership status in their troupe. In this case, the student remains a member of ITS and remains officially affiliated with the original troupe, but their good standing determines which member benefits and opportunities will be available through the local troupe. The local troupe determines which benefits come with good standing and what is required to maintain good standing. In the case that Melissa mentioned, the transfer Thespian and the Thespian who is still at the school but hasn't participated in two years may both lack good standing status because neither met a minimum participation requirement. The kinds of things that may be affected by good standing are explained in the troupe handbooks at

    The answer to the second question about your obligations to the student is determined by the policy you've set and/or your discretion. If you've established what the requirements are for good standing and you've established that being a member in good standing at the time of graduation is a requirement for receiving honor cords, that will help determine what should happen. If those haven't been established in advance, it just comes down to your discretion and any other school policies that may apply.

    I also want to highlight Melissa's point that the best case would be that the transferred Thespian would be the impetus for starting a troupe at the new school. Many troupes owe their existence to a transferring Thespian who spread the word and drove the initial demand.

    Brian Benz
    Membership Manager
    Educational Theatre Association

  • 7.  RE: Honor cords for inactive Thespians?

    Posted 03-17-2018 10:11
    Your constitution and by-laws should address this issue. If they don't it is probably time to address it.

    In my school, only ACTIVE Thespians get to wear honor cords at graduation. What constitutes an active Thespian is spelled out in the by-laws.

    My constitution does not address the issue you present but my sense is that I would let this student have the cords they earned and their new school can decide whether or not they can be worn. I am facing this issue myself as our current Thespian President was forced due to a difficult family situation to move out of state int he middle of the school year.

    I will ask the officers to address this and present a constitution amendment at our next constitutional meeting.

    Mark A. Zimmerman,

    Theatre Director
    Akron School for the Arts
    Firestone Community Learning Center
    470 Castle Blvd
    Akron, Ohio 44313

    Troupe 5570