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  • 1.  Transferring points

    Posted 10-28-2017 15:21
    I have a student who transferred over from another school with Thespian points. What do I do to make sure that I have the accurate records and get him added to our rosters so he can continue to earn honors here?

    "There's only us, there's only this: 
    Forget regret, or life is yours to miss. 
    No other path, no other way. No day 
    but today."
    -Jonathan Larson

    Disario, Jodi
    Drama Teacher and Director
    Willow Glen High School

  • 2.  RE: Transferring points

    Posted 10-30-2017 08:18

    Good question, Jodi. Many teachers either ask for a copy of the student's point record sheet from the other school (via the teacher) or at least reach out to the teacher by email or phone to see where the student is with their points. That way you can pick up where the student's points left off.

    For anyone using the Thespian Induction Point System (or JTIPS for Junior Troupes), a teacher could make a copy,  filter one of the reports for just that student, and send that file to you. You could copy and past the details for that student and you'd have the whole picture. Even a screen shot would help you get what you need.

    Please remember to fill out the student transfer form online from your troupe business homepage so we can make the transfer on our end if you haven't. Thanks!


    David LaFleche
    Director of Membership
    Educational Theatre Association
    Cincinnati OH