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  • 1.  Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 05-14-2017 23:37
    Hi! I'm running for Vice President of my thespian troupe, and I am looking for fun new bonding ideas to introduce to my troupe. Any ideas?

    Sierra A La Rue
    Thespian Troupe 2129

  • 2.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 05-16-2017 14:51
    Have you planned any fun improv days, or theatre games days? It's fun to come to thespian meetings if you know you are going to have days where you just get to relax, do theatre related games, and hang out together. It's also fun to plan trips to see local free theatre. See if you can get your director to plan at least one outing to a play as a troupe.

    Hope these help.

    Ms. Fahning

    Rebecca Fahning
    Theatre Teacher
    Las Vegas NV

  • 3.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 05-19-2017 03:45
    Thank you! My troupe does a lot of trips already throughout the year, but game days and improv days sounds super fun!

    Sierra A La Rue
    Thespian Troupe 2129

  • 4.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 05-20-2017 10:49
    My officers planned a "lock-in" from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. and it was very successful at getting the group to bond. They now want it to be an annual event!

    Sonja Brown, Theatre Teacher
    Thespian Troupe 1777
    Phoenix High School

  • 5.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 06-14-2017 09:17

    Can you share details of your lock-in?  My officers want to do one this year, and I've never done one before.  We have ideas, but I'd love to see what you did and know what worked and didn't work so we can have the most successful event possible!


    Raymond Palasz
    Auditorium Director/Director of Theatre
    Schererville IN

  • 6.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 06-15-2017 07:54

    I too would love to hear more about your "lock-in".

    Patrick Garcia
    Theatre Teacher
    Scripps Ranch HS
    San Diego CA

  • 7.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 06-15-2017 09:39
    One very effective way to help a group bond is by working together to create something, OUTSIDE of your theatre environment. Not all activities have to involve the show or theatre games! It could be promotional: we've designed and built billboards, decorated the school display case, and led dance workshops for early grades. Or it could just be community service: one group spent an afternoon helping the renovation of a local park/playground, one led sing-alongs at the local senior center, and another assisted in community litter cleanup.

    Also... MEALS! Preparing and eating a meal together fosters a sense of community and mutual support. If you plan an activity and end it with a meal together, you'll be bound forever.

    But the main thing is... get away from the theatre for a social breather. If you can spare that extra day in your schedule, I highly recommend doing something that doesn't concern the current show or theatre program directly.

    Jim Colleran
    New York, NY

  • 8.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 06-15-2017 10:12
    Our Lock In was in December. We gathered at school after Christmas caroling and held the Lock In in our theatre. My officers planned all of the events (theatre games, simulation games and object lessons.) The purpose was to bond as a group. One of the best bonding games was "Sardines," which is Hide and Seek in reverse! By 4:00 a.m. the kids were asleep. It was agreed that we would have breakfast by 8:30, clean up and be out by 10:00. One of the parents came to the school and made waffles for us. At my officers insistence, our Lock In was by invitation only to Thespians and Theatre students in good standing with the department. I loved it because it was a great way to get to know the kids at a much deeper level. My recommendation is to get parent help in shifts of 2 hours each.

    Sonja Brown, Theatre Teacher
    Thespian Troupe 1777
    Phoenix High School

  • 9.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 07-07-2017 17:04
    We do a LOT of bonding :)
    1.  Karaoke Kick Off:  Our first event of the year is karaoke night for all of the returning kids and those who are incoming freshmen interested in joining.  We plan a few "get to know you" games and then just sing the evening away.

    2.  We have a "bond fire" in my backyard.  I literally light the firepit, the kids bring food, we set out the radio and some yard games and then they just hang out and relax.

    3.  We always have a Halloween party--complete with costume contest and a "scary" (PG rated) movie in our theatre.

    4.  We go to movie night on the cheap downtown movie nights.

    5.  We host a mystery event (one of their favorite events) . -- Look up bepuzzled mystery dinners.  We assign characters and usually have about five tables running at once.

    6.  We host "improv at lunch" with improv games in my classroom and they eat lunch and play.

    7.  We do a potluck Thanksgiving dinner and build turkey feathers where everyone tells what they are thankful for on the feather and then adds it to the "turkey" on the wall.

    8.  We do a lock-in at the end of the year.  It is usually pretty involved...a theme, games, a senior script, etc.

    9.  We do "cross over" events where we choose a football game, softball game, etc to wear a theatre shirt and go represent the dept by sitting all together at a sporting event.  We also invite the speech team, slam poetry team, orchestra, etc to come perform for us before a competition.

    10.  In the spring we do an annual game day/scavenger hunt at my house.  I design an outdoor scavenger hunt and then when they are finished they play board games and eat.  

    I know there is more but that is what is coming to mind right now.  Bonding is such an important part of a theatre program!  Good for you for looking for more ideas :)

    Brenda Broeker
    Lincoln NE

  • 10.  RE: Thespian bonding Activities?

    Posted 07-08-2017 10:16
    I planned on inviting everyone to meet up for a movie this summer, then I read the post about having students over for a cook out, etc... wondering if that doesn't cross some student/teacher boundary lines.  Yes I am entering into my 3rd year of teaching, 2nd year of doing the drama club, and I am still trying to figure out things...

    Charlotte Kauffman
    English & Theatre Teacher
    Chesapeake VA