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  • 1.  Troupe Activities / Help with bonding

    Posted 02-17-2015 15:11
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: Open Forum and Student to Student .

    Hello everyone! So my troupe has recently attended the Missouri State Thespian Festival! It was an amazing experience and I loved every second of it! I loved it as a thespian learning new things, but also as a president, watching my troupe members and my board members enjoy, bond, laugh, and lean with no only each other but with new people they got to meet! 

    I sat in on a class about being a leader, and how to bond a troupe! So i've been looking into doing some kind of class competition between the thespians (Freshmen vs Sophomores vs Juniors vs Seniors) I want to do something fun for everyone one can do, but also have it be a learning experience and a bonding experience. So I wanted to hear from you all fellow thespians on some fun troupe things to do as a class competition! I would love to hear any ideas and would love to talk to you all and discuss ideas! Thank you!

    -Act Well- 

    Josh Munden

    President 14-15

    Liberty High #5082
    Kansas City MO

  • 2.  RE: Troupe Activities / Help with bonding

    Posted 03-03-2015 11:23

    Hi Josh

    It's wonderful to see our Thespians get so excited about leadership! I'd love to help with some ideas for troupe bonding and team-building activities. Does your school participate in TOTS-Eat? That's a great opportunity for good-spirited competition that also does a lot of good in the community and helps build your Troupe's reputation as upstanding citizens both in and outside of school.

    When I was in show choir in high school, we did lots of fun activities on the side that helped make us all really close. A couple of the officers hosted slumber parties, brought in little goodie bags for competitions, that sort of thing. We also played a lot of the big group circle-type games: White Elephant Gifts, Mafia, Little Sally Walker, etc.

    If your Troupe does fundraisers, that could also be an opportunity for competition. See which class can come up with the best idea for the troupe to use; or, if you have enough members, each class can do their own fundraiser and compete to raise the most money for your Troupe.

    In the spirit of friendly competition, you could also try something like "Outsmart the Troupe Director" - design a game show-style competition, and whoever wins (individual or as a team), gets to be TD for a day or a week, or whatever.

    I'd also recommend playing around with teams. Grade level is a good starting point, but what about actors vs techies? Students vs teachers? Girls vs guys? The opportunities are endless!

    Keep up the good work, and keep us posted about your leadership initiatives!

    Adrianna Boris
    Membership Services Specialist
    Educational Theatre Association
    Fairfield OH