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  • 1.  Plays about Poetry/Poems/Poets

    Posted 11-03-2013 22:12
    Does anyone know of a play about poetry, poems or even a poet?
    I know Theatrefolk has a play about Poe and one about Whitman,
    but I am curious about other options. I am looking for something suitable
    for a large (26 students) cast of middle school students.
    Thank you,

    Juliette Beck
    Theatre Teacher


  • 2.  RE:Plays about Poetry/Poems/Poets

    Posted 11-08-2013 13:18
    What if you created your own? You could ask your students to pick their favorite poem, or locate a poem about a particular subject so you have a common theme. They could then perform each poem as a monologue (or scene, if applicable). You could present it like a night of one acts/short plays. It would allow for any number of students involved and it would be a cool way to bring the poetry to life.

    Ginny Butsch
    Community Manager
    Educational Theatre Association


  • 3.  RE:Plays about Poetry/Poems/Poets

    Posted 11-09-2013 10:44
    Look at Spoon River Anthology, it is a play based on poems by Edgar Lee Masters. 

    Carla Stanley
    Theatre Arts Teacher
    Kern High School District-Shafter High


  • 4.  RE:Plays about Poetry/Poems/Poets

    Posted 11-10-2013 10:18
    "Out of the Dust" by Karen Hesse is a great collection of poetry that would lend itself to drama! It was written with middle school students in mind. It is a powerful story, written in concise language. I hope this helps!

    Cathleen Schandelmeier-Bartels
    Theater Teacher
    Poet, Playwright, Producer

  • 5.  RE:Plays about Poetry/Poems/Poets

    Posted 11-11-2013 11:39
    I Never Saw Another Butterfly - it actually tells a story, but it is based on a collection of poems written by children in Terezin during World War II.  The actual poems are used throughout the play.

    Darleen Totten


  • 6.  RE:Plays about Poetry/Poems/Poets

    Posted 11-12-2013 08:30
    You could also do Spoon River Anthology by Edgar Lee Masters.
    Brilliant poem based play!

    Brooke Phillips
