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  • 1.  What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-07-2013 11:57
    If you could ask your school district for one thing for your theatre program, what would it be?

    Ginny Butsch
    Community Manager
    Educational Theatre Association


  • 2.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-07-2013 12:16
    It is funny that you posted this question.  I was just making a wish list for our new parent booster group that is being formed this year.  All of the Fine Arts are getting together to create this group.  It will be called the Fine Arts Boosters (or FAB).  The idea is that we are stronger as a big group and can raise more money and advocate for our programs.  Anyway right now I am wanting some things that are more infrastructure in nature.  I would love to have more dimmers.  Not just more, but also have more locations to hang fixtures.  We have this huge apron with out any hang points above it (a common issue in high school auditoriums).  I would love to have a computer lab with theatre software.  Moving away from the technical side, I would love a larger script library.  If not for my classroom, at least in our media center.  A set of rehearsal boxes would be great too.  Okay, that is not nearly my entire list, but it is a start.

    One thing that I think is even more important then the "stuff" would be support.  I want the district to continue supporting the arts.  Not just theatre, but all of the arts.  We are much stronger as a collaborative group that can focus on our art form.  Theatre brings dance, music, visual arts, and media arts together.  Without the support of the other areas, we would not be as strong.  

    Time to go back to class.  This was a great discussion post.    

    Steven Fleming
    Lead Technical Theatre Teacher
    Howard County Public School System


  • 3.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-08-2013 08:09
    I would ask for a curricular offering/program at the Middle School level.  Except for 1 magnet program there are no theatre classes and few clubs.  

    Nancy Curtis
    Director of Theatre Arts


  • 4.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-14-2013 11:42
    Definitely more recognition. Our district promotes sports more than anything- and leaves the arts in the shadow. It is rare that our shows are announced, or that we are congratulated for any troupe accomplishment. 
    It is also rare to find many district administrators at our performances. We've reached out to them to come to our events and shows, but it's rare that they attend.  

    It is a goal of mine to build my school's theatre program to get our program noticed and, hopefully, recognized more!

    Also, having a solid curriculum for a theatre course at our high school or even at the middle school would be amazing. We have acting classes- but not theatre education courses. 
    The only course we had for theatre was an IB (International Baccalaureate) theatre course. However, it was made into an SL when it's supposed to be HL. Students didn't see the need to spend that much time, and not earn college credits. The school was basically paying a substantial amount of money for students to get essays and projects graded overseas. The class was extremely enjoyable though- I just wish it weren't IB. (The benefit of it being IB, however, was that IB diploma candidates could use IB theatre as their arts course.)  

    Having a theatre course that does not hold the pressures of an IB curriculum would be ideal. 

    Katie Ferchen
    Region IV Rep ITO

  • 5.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-14-2013 13:07
    An upgrade to our 1956 lighting/dimmer system.  PLEASE!  Renting lights is KILLING our profits! ....and while we're at it, something other than a single, mono directional speaker for sound. : )

    Lindsay Shields
    Drama Specialist
    Flushing High School


  • 6.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-15-2013 00:44
    During graduation, anyone with academic tassels can wear their tassels, yet arts (and athletics as well) cannot. Theatre is something I spend over half of my time doing, and is definitely the most important thing I have done in high school. It would mean a lot to me to get to wear my thespian tassels at graduation. It is something we are working on changing, but so far, the administration has not budged. In our mission statement, it says we value arts, academics, and athletics equally. Why is this not represented at graduation? 

    Another thing I would LOVE to have, is a black stage. Currently, our stage looks like a basketball floor. Though I am very grateful for the new space that we have, and the facilities we have available to us, there are times when a black floor would be REALLY nice!! 

    Katie Siegel
    ITO Chair


  • 7.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-17-2013 08:10
    I have many of the same items on my wish list that have already been mentioned by others... our theatre arts course was eliminated (I would like to have it back!), the sound system in our 1958 auditorium does not work properly  ( so we are in the process of purchasing additional equipment for our theatre productions), and we need more exposure to the community which would help us garner more overall support of our program.  Our budget continues to be cut more each year - forcing us to pay more of the licensing costs. (All other production costs come entirely from our own profits.)

    I am fortunate that our thespians are permitted to wear the stoles from the EdTA catalog with their cap and gown at graduation.  Our alumni association donated funds to purchase a new main curtain several years ago - but we also have a shiny stage floor that looks like the gymnasium floor.   We have installed 4x8 pieces of masonite that were pre-painted black - it sits on top of the shiny floor - but now we have a basically black surface, but have also repainted it to match the show's scenery as well. 

    Keep those ideas coming - I always enjoy going to other theatre spaces to see what they have - but reading your descriptions is also nice.  Both to know that we have common concerns, and also to see some suggestions for possible solutions. 

    Melissa Mintzer
    Penn Manor HS
    Troupe #274
    Millersville, PA

  • 8.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-19-2013 07:56
    Coming from a very small town, theatre isn't really appreciated around here. My wish list includes a new stage (it hasn't been resurfaced in thirty years and it's starting to chip), more support from the community, a larger theatre education program, to become funded by the school so we no longer have to pay for everything out of pocket, new carpet in the green room, and more scholarships for those involved in theatre in our community. ------------------------------------------- Elizabeth Flynn -------------------------------------------

  • 9.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-15-2013 21:35
    More support of the shows that are put on but also helping with the educational part of theatre.

    D'Andre Carter
    Region 1 Rep


  • 10.  RE:What's on your wish list?

    Posted 10-22-2013 23:34
    Unfortunately, like many high schools across the country sports are placed at a higher recognition than the arts. No matter where you are in my school, you are reminded of Wildcat pride, and how you can support our athletic department. And that is great, our athletic department deserves to be recognized for the championships they win.

    At the same time, my school does not give enough credit to the drama department for the three shows a year we put on, sacrificing blood, sweat, and sawdust to tell a story for three nights.
    My school does not give enough credit to the music department for the competitions they win, and the emotional story that is conveyed in their show.
    My school does not give enough credit to the show choir and all of the first place trophies they win, or talent that each member brings to the stage for fifteen minutes.

    We may not have a number one linebacker in the state, or be reigning state champions. But we are Wildcats, and as Wildcats we all have the same passion and dedication and deserve to be recognized as so.
    Alexander Minton
    Nebraska Thespian State Board Member