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Parent Involvement

  • 1.  Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-27-2013 13:30
    What are some ways you structure your parent involvement so that it is a positive experience for your program and the parents? ------------------------------------------- Kelly Duyn Theatre Director -------------------------------------------

  • 2.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-27-2013 15:38
    I will usually have a meeting specifically for the parents to inform them as to what is going on.   In a handbook this year (which I got from Kelly Connolly Burrows) and it has specific questions for the parents.

    I think it is about willing to delegate specific and interesting jobs that the parents could do so they feel like they are a part of the show process but the creative work is still yours and the kids.

    Alan Strait


  • 3.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-27-2013 18:23

    Make sure to also add that you need their junk as well. During the parent meeting. I get a lot of donations by doing this from costumes,  set pieces, tools, and so much more.
    Derreck Reed
    Theatre Arts Director
    Kern High School District


  • 4.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-28-2013 09:13
    We have started a Performing Arts Parent Association district wide. We just kicked off this initiative with a huge Gala last week during which we all provided performances, had alumni join us to perform, gave tours of the facility at the high school and just networked like crazy. It has given us a great bank of volunteers for all the schools. At the high school I use my parents for their construction skills and as ushers and support personnel backstage. I am blessed with talented and engaged parents who want to help and not to hinder! ------------------------------------------- Sara Lee -------------------------------------------

  • 5.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-28-2013 09:33
    That is awesome! ------------------------------------------- Charlene Thomas -------------------------------------------

  • 6.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-28-2013 09:36
    What are some of the key things that you did to get this up and running? I would be interested in starting one for the private schools in my area. ------------------------------------------- Charlene Thomas -------------------------------------------

  • 7.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-27-2013 18:20
    During one act rehearsals...I invite parents to our final dress rehearsal...which is very casual.  I come out and explain the play selection/blocking ideas...and then the kids to a talk back to the parents afterward.

    It seems to spark interest in the parents.

    Anna Michaelson
    Dakota Valley High School


  • 8.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-27-2013 23:22
    I find Sign Up Genius to be a very handy tool, when managing the involvement.

    Laurilea Williams
    Theatre Director
    Headstrong Theatre


  • 9.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-28-2013 02:16
    This is a great topic.  It was something I had trouble with my first few years.  It was tough at my school to do this.  Many of our parent's have second jobs, 1/3 of the students are FARMS, and we have low PTA membership.  My first step was to find a go to parent who acted as the point person for the other parents.  This helped me filter information and the parent often had better connections with the community (especially in my first years as a teacher).  However, now I have built connections with many of the parents in my community.  

    In terms of involvement, I try to make it easy to help.  Last spring I started using Google Docs on a more regular basis.  Our school system is getting more and more into using Google Apps for Education and that has opened many doors for us.  For example, I had a simple google doc that I used for organizing the parents who wanted to work on costumes fixes.  It is often the case that the last few weeks before a show becomes hectic with so many things to take care of for the production.  Sometimes I didn't even know what to tell parents needed to be fixed. This year my Google Doc was a simple chart.  It had a column for the actor's name, the item that needed to be fixed, what needed to be done, who was going to do it, and when it was picked up/returned.  As we did fittings, my students would help me enter information into the chart (the who is going to fix it and the pickup/return are left blank).  Parents could then pick out what they felt comfortable fixing and put there name to the list.  The costumes would be tagged and the parent could pick them up on their time line (with a due date in mind of course).  I found that I got more parents willing to help because they knew they would not be doing it all on there own.  They also knew that if they were not the best with buttons there could be sometime more up their line to do.  

    This year, my school was able to send out a mass email to parents signed up for my classes.  In this email I gave a link to a Google Form that parent's filled out to tell me what things they were interested in volunteering for during the year.  Within 1 week I already had twice as many responses as I did when I just sent a letter home.  

    Steven Fleming
    Director of Theatre Arts
    Howard County Public School System


  • 10.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-28-2013 08:01
    We love parents, but don't really allow a lot of parent involvement in much of what we do. Personally as a student when I was in ITS the parents were the source of significant drama, and often stood in the way of students doing for themselves, so as a theatre teacher my colleague and I have put a lot off limits to parents. They are absolutely cheerleaders, bringers of water, and share their talents (which we discover at parents meetings and such), but they are only allowed to do small things and share information and skills, but not lead projects. We do not take parents on trips, or allow them backstage or to manage or work the house. I know it sounds crazy but we have found it eliminates the students tendency to lean so heavily on adults and to step up and to be, well the adults in the situation themselves. As a result the kids step up and make business decisions and want to get the business training on leading fundraisers, soliciting sponsors, and house management. Suddenly every student also wants to learn how to put together their own costumes, fix their own small issues, and most of all learn. In the meantime we meet with parents and explain that it's all about the kids, and that they will make mistakes, and they will bring projects home, and they will work hard at every component, but if they know an adult isn't going to pick up the slack for them, they are much more motivated to figure it out and make it work, and most parents nod, smile, and in the passing years are complementary of doing it this way. It might be different than what a lot of troupes do but in our area parents can be significantly overbearing and underestimate the kids and as a result the kids underestimate themselves, we try to empower them through not having an adult do for them, but instead emphasize service to others through their art, and allow them to see and be a part of the nitty gritty hard work. ------------------------------------------- Kathleen McNulty Theatre Teacher/Director Arnold High School -------------------------------------------

  • 11.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-28-2013 21:09
    One way that parents are involved, that sticks out in my mind, is our parent participation in tech week meals. During tech week at our school, the cast and crew all sit down and eat together before rehearsal. This gives us a time to do notes so we do not have to stay later the night before, but also a time to hang out and relax with friends. These meals are free to the cast and crew. The parents organize the meals for each night and all sign up to bring food. Then they come and set it up and help serve. This gives them a chance to see all of the students and interact with each other. All of the parents enjoy themselves, and it gives them a chance to get involved and see what we are doing! The students love it too! Parents are also always welcome at rehearsals, but we normally do not have parents that come and just hang out at rehearsal. We also always have a parent meeting at the beginning of the year so that they know what is going on! 

    Katie Siegel
    ITO Chair


  • 12.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 09-28-2013 10:02
    One easy thing I do is I have parents plan the cast party for my productions. they go all out! ------------------------------------------- Shelby Burton -------------------------------------------

  • 13.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 10-06-2013 19:59
    Monday, Oct. 7th at 8pm CST, join theatre educators for a Twitter discussion about our programs and parent involvement at #TheatreEd 
    Adam Moreno
    Middle School Drama and Dance Teacher
    University School of Milwaukee

  • 14.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 10-14-2013 11:23
    I love this question! 

    My troupe has been working on boosting parent involvement in the past few years. Every year since I've been here, the parents are the ones to organize the cast party for the spring musical- they will bring all sorts of food, and even plan a gift to give to any teachers/staff involved in the show (typically a signed poster or a giftcard). 
    But we've been thinking of ways to boost parent involvement. We invite parents to come help during set builds, to serve beverages/food if we have a dinner theatre setting, etc. 

    Something really awesome that we started doing last year, however, is honoring the parents in our troupe. What we did was during a night of one acts (in the winter), we had a parent recognition ceremony of sorts during the intermission. We selected 5 parents that had helped a lot with our troupe, and we had them read an altered version of the pledge we have our inductees read. Then they signed a paper saying that they are "Honorary Members of Troupe 1102". 
    The parents really appreciated it, and it seemed to encourage other parents to become more involved in what we do.

    Right now, we are also discussing the possibility of a "Senior Night" for our Thespian troupe. We're planning on having a nice dinner on the stage, and inviting parents of all of our senior Thespians. 
    If it happens, we're planning on doing speeches about each senior, and possibly "year-in-review" videos for each year of the seniors' involvement in the theatre program. 

    I definitely suggest inviting parents to help at any chance possible- whether it's for a show, a fundraiser, etc., parents are very willing to help, for the most part. Let them know how thankful you are that they are supporting their child's involvement with our group. A simple thank you letter to parents could make a big impact, and empower parents to find out more as to what they can do to help.

    Katie Ferchen
    Region IV Rep ITO

  • 15.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 10-15-2013 10:21
    Great ideas everyone. More and more I see troupes making parents, teachers, and other adults who are involved with the theatre program honorary members of the troupe. For $18 they'll get a membership card and certificate along with a subscription to Dramatics magazine (9 issues). Troupes include the adults in their induction ceremony, have them sign the troupe roster (or have a separate one just for honorary thespians), and announce the recognition in show programs.

    All of these help reinforce the importance of adult involvement and let the individuals know they are part of the theatre family at the school.

    And don't forget the janitors, office staff, security officer, Principal, and anyone else who goes that extra mile for you. 

    Here's another tip. If you have some super involved or supportive people, maybe season ticket holders or donors, or someone from the school, and you know they're at all your shows or all your opening nights, etc., reserve the same seats for them for every show. I've seen some schools put name plates on the backs of the seats too. If you also acknowledge these people in your program that's even better. That lets the community know that you appreciate and value the support and may encourage others to do the same.

    David LaFleche
    Director Of Membership
    Educational Theatre Association


  • 16.  RE:Parent Involvement

    Posted 10-17-2013 09:08
    I have an email chain for the parents. When our students bring home their contracts to get signed for the season, every parent must list an email address. Then I take those addresses and put them into a group email. I email all the parents with our fundraisers and events throughout the year. During the musical, we have the parents fill out a form to help out if they want. Then I give each of our staff a collection of parent contacts so they have people to help them. We also involve parents in our planning for North East Festival, State Festival, and National Festival.

    Carolyn Little
    High School English Teacher
    Toms River Board of Education
