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  • 1.  Work-life Balance Tips for Busy Educators

    Posted 09-03-2016 23:16

    Every so often I read something which can be considered a Best Practice for Theatre educators in non-Theatre magazines.

    Budget your time like you do your finances: Set max work hours. Find your most productive time and get the bulk of your work done. Disconnect during dinner.

    Learn to say "No:"  Know your limits. Only say YES to projects you're passionate about and support your personal goals.

    Set physical boundaries:  Create space for your work. Keep work out of your family-only space.

    Schedule recess: Give yourself permission to take a break! Really short on time? Take 3 deep breaths! Go for a walk. Meditate for 5 minutes.

    Delegate: Leave mundane tasks like filing and organizing to students or aides, if you can. Identify good helpers and use their strengths. Enlist family to help where possible: fixing dinner, cleaning, etc.

    Streamline lesson planning:  Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Build on past successes. Keep notes on what worked and what didn't to make future planning easier.

    Make taking care of yourself a priority so you don't burn out:  Get enough sleep. Eat well. Exercise.

    Not all are possible or applicable. I think one of the most important tip is "Make taking care of yourself a priority. . ."

    Happy Labor Day. 

    Gai Jones


  • 2.  RE: Work-life Balance Tips for Busy Educators

    Posted 09-04-2016 07:48

    Thanks for this reminder, Gai, especially as we all dive into our seasons!

    My favorite is delegate!  My first couple of years as a TD, I tried to do it all myself.  Then I realized that there are kids who have some talent and/or interest in these areas of theatre, so why not have them do some of the work.  I found it less stressful to mentor students in design rather than do all the design and have the kids just carry it out!

    Raymond Palasz
    Auditorium Director/Director of Theatre
    Munster High School
    Schererville IN

  • 3.  RE: Work-life Balance Tips for Busy Educators

    Posted 09-04-2016 11:37

    Great advice!

    I was able to "delegate" partly by hiring a few parents as "Assistant Coaches" for a tiny slice of my paltry after-school stipend. They had to become school employees and go through the whole hiring process (TB test, criminal background check, references, fingerprinting, etc.), but then were qualified to represent the school in my absence. After a full day of teaching and directing, I have little to contribute to an evening painting session, for example, that can't take place while the stage floor is in use.  Or if I'm going to be absent, the stage manager or AD can run the rehearsal, but having a school representative, one of my Assistant Coaches, there too, means not missing a day of productive work.  Of course, these parents got a thorough training in our safety and emergency procedures.  It's worked out really well!

    Douglas Rome
    Director of Theatre Arts
    Fairfax County Public Schools
    Burke VA

  • 4.  RE: Work-life Balance Tips for Busy Educators

    Posted 09-05-2016 00:43

    I feel like there are so many people who feel guilty taking a day or weekend off. STOP IT. GO!!!

    Also, expect 150% but actually secretly accept 90% and know when things are "good enough" and let it go. 

    Seriously, use TAs. My TAs do so much filing and I hand off so much stuff to them.

    Drama Teacher

  • 5.  RE: Work-life Balance Tips for Busy Educators

    Posted 09-05-2016 16:21

    This is perhaps my biggest struggle since becoming a theatre teacher in the school system.  For me, it's the grading that is hanging over my head always.  This year, I'm going to try finding good filmed theatre performances, interviews with theatre practitioners, etc... to have my students watch at the end of each unit that ideally will to the unit just finished. I am going to try to use this time to get grading done during class time before I move on to the next unit - even if it takes two days. Generally, once rehearsals start, I, like everyone else I'm sure, go straight to rehearsals and then I have nothing left when I get home. I would keep the momentum of the classes going but fall further and further behind with grading. 

    Sandra Dietel
    Blythewood SC