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  • 1.  ITS member composition

    Posted 06-13-2016 18:46

    In looking at the ITS point sheet and qualifications for inductions and membership,  I realized that there are categories for video production.  In discussion with our video teacher we are interested in having his students work towards qualifying for membership into ITS.  Does anyone already have a program that incorporates video into their ITS troupe?

    Thank you! 

    Veronica Davis
    FPO AP

  • 2.  RE: ITS member composition

    Posted 06-15-2016 10:07


    What a wonderful idea!  We have a broadcast journalism class that does a lot of work not just on news, but also side projects.  What you and your colleague are suggesting sounds like a great collaboration, and I want to know what others think.

    I know that we have a chapter of Quill and Scroll at our school, so students earn membership into that through their work, but I think allowing them to also see that we acknowledge their work too (since in my school some of our theatre kids also do BC) emphasizes the collaboration that we value in theatre.

    Others' thoughts?


    Raymond Palasz
    English/Theatre Faculty; Thespian Troupe Director
    Lake Central High School
    Schererville IN

  • 3.  RE: ITS member composition

    Posted 06-15-2016 11:51

    Actually had a discussion like this with our CTE photography instructor last month.  Because it was the last three weeks of school, we started the conversation, but both need to finish our end of year responsibilities.  (Like that grading and posting of final grades I need to finish in the next few hours but am avoiding.)

    My personal passion is live theatre.  My students have expressed interest in exploring screen acting and having a video archive of our productions.  Collaborative efforts like you are suggesting would seem to only enhance the image and visibility of both programs.

    Simply put, we don't have it here already.  But are planning on adding it next school year.

    Jym Kinney
    Troupe Director
    Clover Park High School
    Lakewood, Washington