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  • 1.  Textbooks

    Posted 02-08-2016 08:23

    I am working on updating my courses and part of that is textbooks. What are some of the best textbooks out there for both Theatre and Public Speaking?

    Charles Davis
    Teacher, Director and Coach
    Waynesville MO

  • 2.  RE: Textbooks

    Posted 02-09-2016 09:17

    I'm a fan of the Drama Projects book from Perfection Learning (Basic Drama Projects | Speech Theatre Journalism Debate). I got the teacher's edition first, since my school didn't have a textbook budget for me, but I was able to add that in for this year. There's also a binder that goes with it that has a bunch of the worksheets it mentions, but I don't have that yet.

    For my upper level acting and tech classes, I only use scripts, having found/made a lot of powerpoints to go over the different concepts. 

    Allison MB
    Theatre Teacher / Director
    Nashoba HS

  • 3.  RE: Textbooks

    Posted 02-09-2016 10:12

    I second the Perfection books mentioned. Perfection sent me their speech and debate book, I don't teach it but I perused the book and thought it was really rather good.

    I think 'The Essential Theatre' is a great text, with a great flow, though a little more academic. It would be a great complement to 'Basic Theatre Projects,' though I understand you probably only want one text for a class set.

    For technical theatre aspects, depending on how deep you're going, either one of those books is a great starting point. For further study, or if you have students who are interested, it might be grand to have a few copies of 'Technical Theatre for Non-Technical People'. 'Stagecraft Fundamentals' is also a great high school text, written at a high school level with much up-to-date information.

    And then collect as many different scripts as you can for scene work.

    Phillip Goodchild
    Theatre Arts Instructor/Assistant Department Head of English
    Ruskin FL

  • 4.  RE: Textbooks

    Posted 02-09-2016 16:01

    I like Basic Drama Projects for theater.  I use it for acting I for background information on everything we do.  It works very nicely and is a mix between a standard textbook and a more colorful magazine-style format--with lots of sidebars, activity ideas, and highlights of distinguished professionals in various fields.

    Kristen Statt
    Thunderhawk Theater Director
    Lakota East High School
    Liberty Twp, OH