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  • 1.  Engaging New Students

    Posted 02-12-2014 20:40
    This message has been cross posted to the following Discussions: Student to Student and Open Forum .
    At my school, we have a program called Freshman Outreach Program, also known as FOP. The intention is to bring in new students, specifically freshmen, to the program. We encourage the upperclassmen to help their buddy as needed, and do a small something for them during the shows. We try to have events every so often. 

    I am looking for a way to strengthen this program. For some students, they really connect with their FOPs, others not so much. Does anyone have an new student outreach programs? How do you run yours? 

    Thanks in advance! 

    Katie Siegel
    ITO Chair


  • 2.  RE:Engaging New Students

    Posted 02-18-2014 20:10
    In addition to what I shared with you before, regarding a Summer camp for high schoolers that's open to our feeder middle school, I totally forgot about the other even more long-range investment plan for engaging new students. My first production as sponsor for my school this year was 'The Wizard of Oz,' and we opened up the casting to three local elementary schools and got 35+ Munchkin kids...totally adorable! 

    I really hope that I will be seeing some of these kids again in about 3 or 4 years. I know of another teacher in our district that used Elementary school kids in their productions, and 10 years later the kids that worked with them attribute their interest and/or love of theatre to being involved in a cool stage play with high schoolers. 

    So, a long range plan, and for me, I will be making sure that every year we have a production that can involve a number of elementary kids for at least 5 minutes of a production!

    Phillip Goodchild
