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Thoughts for next season

  • 1.  Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-02-2020 09:39
    Hello Everyone

    I wonder how people are planning for their seasons next year amid all this uncertainty.

    My school has several different options on the table right now that all combine face to face with distance learning.  I don't know yet if we'll have our theater classes and productions online or in person, but we may have the option to teach and produce in person as long as we wear masks and stay 6 feet apart. Not ideal, but at least we may be in the same space (sometimes).  And it looks like the school will not allow visitors to the building.

    As my colleagues and I brainstorm, and Administration figures this out, I would appreciate any glimpse of where other people are right now and what they are thinking.

    There has been talk about having some classes outside so we can all spread out, (no word yet on if that means we will have some kind of tent or temporary building) so one idea may be outdoor shows. That's assuming they change their policy and we can have people come to campus.  And here in CT it gets cold in late October when our fall shows open.  Maybe we could have a show in our space and either record it or stream it. 

    Our Spring shows were done on Zoom - Upper School live, and Middle School recorded and streamed.  They worked really well, but I would like to think that was a temporary solution.

    Any thoughts or suggestions are much appreciated!
    Thank you!!

    John R. Conners
    Director of Theater Arts
    St. Luke's School
    377 North Wilton Rd.
    New Canaan, CT 06840
    (203) 801-4858
    He, Him, and His

  • 2.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-02-2020 12:56
    Hi John.
    Normally I would have selected a theme and season by now. I am just waiting to see what happens. A great concern to me are the latest studies on the aerosol spread of the virus  from singing. At this point, I am looking in to the clear face shields for rehearsals. I will likely choose material that can be rehearsed with a minimum of actors in one space at a time and that can easily be transferred to ZOOM. I'm researching radio show and television scripts as a back up.  I will likely hold off on selecting a musical which we are scheduled to perform in spring 21.  We had to move ours this year to ZOOM. I, too, am not keen on doing it again even though it basically worked but with great effort and determination.  The lag for music really impacts the experience.  If I had to decide now (which I don't and prefer not to) I'd say "the play's the thing" and go with non-musical season. That is why I've decided to take a wait and see approach - even if it means not deciding until well into the year. We should all continue this conversation as we are all grappling with the same questions.

    Amy Luskey Barth
    Talon Theatre Artistic Director
    Director, Thespian Troupe 5524
    Santa Margarita Catholic High School

  • 3.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-02-2020 13:53
    Thanks Amy

    I appreciate your comments.  We do plays in the Fall and Spring, and our Musicals in late Feb/early March. (Middle and Upper School, so 6 shows, 8 if you count our Advanced Acting class, which I do!) We were lucky enough to perform our musicals this year, and moved to zoom for Spring plays.  We did The Imaginary Invalid and it worked really well, since much of the show depends on wordplay.  We got clever with some more physical moments. 

    I only have the energy to just focus on the Fall right now, but I'm mulling over not having a musical.  That would be a very unpopular move, I fear.  But my biggest source for anxiety is not knowing if we will be online or not, or both, and in what form rehearsals and performances will take, so I'm trying to find shows and forms that can be flexible. Or transferable. Until the school figures out a plan, I think we also need to wait and see.

    Thank so much

    John R. Conners
    Director of Theater Arts
    St. Luke's School
    377 North Wilton Rd.
    New Canaan, CT 06840
    (203) 801-4858
    He, Him, and His

  • 4.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-23-2020 20:18
    @Amy Luskey-Barth


    I'd love to see your Zoom show and pick your brain on what you didn't like about it. 


    Maria Stadtmueller 
    St. Augustine School 
    Kendall Park, NJ
    Sent from my iPhone


    Top News - Sponsored By Newser

  • 5.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-02-2020 16:24
    John -

    I've also been giving this much thought. Our school normally does 4 shows a year, which is a lot for a smaller school (400+ in grades 9-12) with no drama classes. I usua''y direct the fall play, but I'm also the theater manager so I'm thinking ahead to the entire season to try to have options for the other directors.

    In Ohio we do not yet have direction from the state concerning school or theater for the fall, so I am just trying to brainstorm options. Our spring musical was cancelled, but we did Don Zolidis' "10 Ways to Survive Living in Quarantine" over Zoom. Though it went well, students will get much more out of some form of in-person rehearsals and performances, even if they are limited by social distancing.

    I've been looking for scripts that we could do with the actors 6 apart. Don Zolidis' "Monologue Show from Hell" (Playscripts) could easily be done with that restraint, but it's so similar in tone to "10 Ways" that I'm still looking for other possibilities. Other monologue shows would work as well, though Zolidis' show has fun interaction between the students sitting upstage and some of the students down stage center performing their monologues. Radio scripts are an option, though less exciting visually. 

    Though I haven't reread the script in a while, I've twice directed "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten", which can be done with limited music (about 6-8 songs, as I recall), and all the musical scenes have alternative non-musical options. Many scenes have one or just a few actors on stage at a time, and it's meant to be modular, so you can pick and choose what scenes you want to do. It has a great deal of flexibility.

    Once the state comes through with their rules, I'm going to develop a proposal for the administration for rehearsing with students in the theater, and performing the shows there with a small limited audience (for example, only families of the students involved, with distancing between family groups) while live-streaming the show. I've started brainstorming some reasons why this is much better than students performing individually from their homes, as we did in the spring. Perhaps we could help each other develop such a list here.

    Joel Brown
    Madison High School
    Middletown OH

  • 6.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-03-2020 08:52

    We announced our season right in the middle of COVID-19. We have great relationships with the theatrical rights companies, but we also know that you have to secure the rights first. We are doing The Musics Man, Grease and Anatomy of Gray. Just like you, we are waiting to see what the Indiana Department of Education says the week of July 6th. 

    Right now, out sporting teams can start conditioning July 1st, so we are feeling encouraged. 

    But there is still uncertainty.

    Crit Fisher
    Lighting/Sound Designer
    New Albany High School

  • 7.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-03-2020 10:45
    Thanks Crit and Joel

    I appreciate the recommendations and support.

    I do have a bit of clarity from my school now, even if not from CT yet.  We will be planning to have our audiences at home in the Fall, but we will try to (at least to start) having activities in school, probably in the form of smaller, rotating groups.  So I'm now starting to think about devised work, episodic work, pre-recorded on stage, or just something that can pivot quickly to being via zoom.  Don't know about our musicals yet...

    John R. Conners
    Director of Theater Arts
    St. Luke's School
    377 North Wilton Rd.
    New Canaan, CT 06840
    (203) 801-4858
    He, Him, and His

  • 8.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-03-2020 10:47

    I'm (obviously) following this discussion with keen interest. 

    I'm trying hard to imagine every possible scenario for the fall, since it's likely to be different in different parts of the country. Some schools may be able to do outdoor performances, some might do 25% audience full with a simultaneous livestream, some might have to do a completely zoomed performance. Some might be able to do their show on the stage without an audience. 

    I am working on creating shows with more depth and complexity, that could work in any situation. (I know a lot of people did 10 Ways to Survive... this spring, and I wanted to create something quickly, that was fun and simple, but I'd say that was a stopgap measure - or at least a show for beginning actors, rather than a play that really stretches people) 

    I've already completed THE IMPORTANCE OF BEING EARNEST IN A PANDEMIC, which can be performed by actors in 7 different locations - it's essentially a very faithful adaptation of the play, with almost all the original dialogue, just adapted for socially distanced actors in different locations. I've got a new one-act called HELP DESK, which is similar to a play like Check, Please (mostly duets, could be done with social distancing on stage as the characters are supposed to be in different locations). I'm working on THE RADIO PLAY DISASTER, which essentially a "Play that Goes Wrong" version of War of the Worlds - performable live or virtually. 

    I'm learning a lot while I do this, and I encourage you to think about how you might adapt public domain work for virtual performance if need be - (anything before 1900 or so is fair game - just dig in, mess around with it, and make your own version.) I've also given a lot of permissions for people performing my other plays to tweak them as necessary for online performance too. (I get requests for me to adapt one of my plays for online performance just about every day, and I've written a lot of plays, so I can't do them all!)

    I think the key here is to be flexible, and have a back-up plan if your play needs to go virtual. We don't know what's going to happen this fall, and even if things seem fine this summer, there might be a resurgence and we'll all need to go virtual again (shudder). 

    But I'm always happen to listen and work with you and your school if you need to adjust or modify things quickly.  

    Don Zolidis
    Austin TX

  • 9.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-03-2020 11:02
    Thank you so much, Don

    And thank you for the work you are doing right now to provide content for us who are trying to do good and intentional work with our students in this new format!  I'm looking forward to reading your new work.  We did Grimm Brothers a little while ago, and had a great time doing it!

    We usually do contemporary plays, but another thought I'm having is a theme of "old stories, new voices". We did Moliere this Spring over zoom, and it really worked when we focused on it's language.  And looking at Shakespeare, the Greeks, etc. for my Upper Schoolers and our own adaptations of folk tales for the Middle School.  Again, it may be best for them to come up with short pieces that can pivot easily.

    Thanks again for your input

    John R. Conners
    Director of Theater Arts
    St. Luke's School
    377 North Wilton Rd.
    New Canaan, CT 06840
    (203) 801-4858
    He, Him, and His

  • 10.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-07-2020 14:11
    Hello, all.

    I have the 35-minute adaptation of Edgar Lee Masters Spoon River Anthology that Asheville High School's Troupe #2237 performed in the Chapter Select Showcase at ITF a few years ago.  Spoon River is in the public domain​, and I have made no attempt to publish this script, so I can send it to any of you who want to look at it for inspiration or as a possible piece to perform. 

    Because Spoon River is all free verse monologue poems, it would be perfect for Zoom performances.  You could certainly add additional monologue poems from the book if you wanted to make it longer.


    C. J. Breland
    Retired Theatre Arts Educator
    Asheville NC

  • 11.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-08-2020 09:13
    Here's a suggestion that would work well for online collaboration and performance: have students explore a nearby cemetery and work with the local Historical Society to learn about specific figures from their own local history buried in that cemetery. Then, write their own monologue or free-verse poem from that person's point of view. Sort of like a "Ghost Walk" that some towns do. This project allows for creating as well as performing.AND you could get some great local coverage from TV and newspapers!

  • 12.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-08-2020 09:38
    So many great ideas - thank you everyone.  Let's keep the conversation going!

    We too have several possible scenarios, all that involve an at home audience, but the possibility to rehearse and produce at school, as long as we abide by guidelines.  We'll probably have to rotate small groups as well, rather than having one group of typically 10-15 students in each school.  So we're looking at doing something that could be released episodically, on a weekly basis, or shot by separate groups and then edited together.  This is definitely an opportunity for our actors to try acting for the camera, and our technicians to try out being Editors and Directors of Photography.  Also, depending on the tech students who sign up for the activity, radio plays (audio only) are for sure in the mix. 

    I actually think there are a lot of possibilities for schools on our position, if they do plays in the Fall.  But I am starting to wonder about our big musicals later in February.  One thing at a time.

    Thanks everyone!

    John R. Conners
    Director of Theater Arts
    St. Luke's School
    377 North Wilton Rd.
    New Canaan, CT 06840
    (203) 801-4858
    He, Him, and His

  • 13.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-08-2020 09:59
    The musical director and I just had an excellent discussion. We are pretty locked in on forgoing the 2020-2021 musical. The increased number of students at rehearsals due to the pit members, the potential (still in true or de-bunking mode) of the super spreader, the cost/reward factor. We are strongly leaning towards safety over any other choice and making it clear very early on so the kids have all year to adjust their expectations.

    As we wait on the decision for Fall sports- that is the real deciding factor for what we will do with theatre. Goose/gander situation.

    Jennifer Trice
    Theatre Director
    Green Run Campus
    Virginia Beach VA

  • 14.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-09-2020 08:24
    I would love to have you send a copy of your Spoon River work. Thanks for sharing!
    Rita McLary
    GHHS Drama

  • 15.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-25-2020 09:52

    I would love to see a copy of your script.

    Thank you!

    Jonathan Westerberg
    Manhattan Beach CA

  • 16.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-29-2020 11:04

    I would love to take a look at your Spoon River Anthology.  Thank you for the generous offer!


    Jim Butz
    Drama Teacher
    Town and Country MO

  • 17.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-30-2020 13:21
    Hello C. J. 

    I am also very interested in looking at your Spoon River Anthology. Please share a copy with me:


    Lisa Bodden
    Theater Educator
    The Gregory School
    Tucson AZ

  • 18.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-30-2020 14:17
    C. J.-   I think I sent you a message, and would love to take a look at your adapatation.  Perhaps you sent it, and I may inadvertently deleted it if it went to my spam folder. I have been thinking about Spoon River as a great option for a devised  virtual piece,  though I may just use it as a launch for a similar more diverse, contemporary epitaph based piece.
    Thank you in advance
    Scott Keys
    Booker VPA High School
    Sarasota FL

    Scott Keys
    Sarasota FL

  • 19.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-30-2020 15:05
    I also would love to get a copy of the Spoon River Anthology adaptation. Anybody know of any docutheatre pieces about white privileged, racism, or implicit bias?


    Jason Peck
    Co-Artistic Director
    A New Theatrical Experience

  • 20.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-14-2020 21:43
    I would love to read your work. Thank you so much!

    Leigha Nix
    Canton MS

  • 21.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-15-2020 09:50
    I would love to have a copy:

    Garry Tiller
    Theatre Arts Teaching Artist
    Sidwell Friends
    Washington, DC

  • 22.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-16-2020 07:03
    Hi C.J., I would love to read your adaptation of Spoon River.  Thanks for sending it.


  • 23.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-16-2020 09:50

    Hi C. J.,
    Before you regret your offer, I would also love to get a copy of your adaptation of SRA. 
    Thank you,

    Garry Tiller
    Theatre Arts Teaching Artist
    Sidwell Friends
    Washington, DC

  • 24.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-16-2020 19:40

    Hey CJ

    I'd love to see what you've done with Spoon River. I was re-reading it over the summer and was a little overwhelmed by the thought of cutting down to performance length. I'm not much a playwright.

    Also, I don't know if you heard but I'm not at A3 next year. They are scaling back the program, but I am taking over for Pat Avery at South Eugene next year! KInd of a rough year to be starting a new job!

    John Monteverde
    Drama Teacher
    A3: The Academy of Arts & Academics
    Springfield, OR

  • 25.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-17-2020 09:38
    I'd love a copy of your SPOON RIVER, CJ!  Thank you for being willing to share!

    Karen Ruth
    Head Theatre Director
    Coppell High School
    Coppell, TX

  • 26.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-18-2020 07:10
    Also eager for a copy

  • 27.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-19-2020 11:21
    I would appreciate a copy also.

  • 28.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-21-2020 19:53
    Would you please send me a copy of Spoon River?  Thank you so  much!

    Alicia Tully

  • 29.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-19-2020 18:02
    I too would like a copy of your SPOON RIVER.  Interestingly, SPOON RIVER was all the rage when I was in high school in the late 1960s!

    Nancy L. Bernhard
    Salinas High School

  • 30.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-18-2020 10:57
    I would love a copy of Spoon River. Thank you!

    Robin Fuqua
    Port LaVaca TX

  • 31.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-19-2020 13:25
    Yes please CJ! Thank you.

    Carina Stiles
    Theatre Teacher
    Phoenix AZ

  • 32.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-19-2020 17:07
    Yes. Thanks.

  • 33.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-19-2020 16:50
    I would appreciate a copy of Spoon River for next year.  Thank you CJ.

    Ivy Sweeney
    Tucson AZ

  • 34.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-19-2020 12:04
    Dear C. J.

    Thank you for this opportunity. Please send me a copy of your Spoon River Anthology. 

    Stanley Coleman:

    Stanley Coleman
    Eugene OR

  • 35.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-20-2020 00:19
    I would love a copy!  My email is
    Thank you C.J.!

    Tracey Buot
    Performing Arts Dept. Chair
    Drama Director
    Cambridge High School
    Milton, Georgia

  • 36.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-21-2020 12:04
    I would also love a copy of SPOON RIVER.  My email is

    Thank you!

    Janna Rigby
    Drama Teacher
    Los Gatos High School

  • 37.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 08-11-2020 12:29
    Hi - I would also love a copy of the "Spoon River" anthology.
    Thanks for sharing!

    Kate McRaith
    Drama Director
    Glenwood Springs High School
    Glenwood Springs, CO

  • 38.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 08-12-2020 09:20

    I would appreciate a copy of Spoon River Anthology as well!


    David Sinkus 
    Albuquerque Academy

    David Sinkus
    Albuquerque NM

  • 39.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-20-2020 10:06
    Edited by Susan Nieten 07-20-2020 10:07
    I would love a copy of your adaptation of Spoon River!
    susan :)

    Susan Nieten
    Theatre Teacher, Spring Play Director,
    & Thespian Troupe Director
    at Noblesville High School (Noblesville, IN)

    Twitter: @mrsnieten

  • 40.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-21-2020 07:43

    I would love a copy of you Spoon River Anthology. 

    Bridget Shepard
    Drama Director
    Lillie May Carroll Jackson School
    Baltimore, Md 

    Bridget Shepard
    Drama Teacher
    Lillie May Carroll Jackson Charter School
    Baltimore MD

  • 41.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-22-2020 12:47
    Hi. I would love a copy of your script as well. Thank you!

    Pauline Maranian
    Costa Mesa CA

  • 42.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-22-2020 12:48
    my email is

    Pauline Maranian
    Costa Mesa CA

  • 43.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-22-2020 16:16
    Edited by Jerry Seeger 07-22-2020 16:55
    I am really late to this discussion, but you and I are on the same page.  For years, I have used SRA for early monologue work and it has, for the most part, been successful.  I would welcome a copy of your adaptation.  Thank you for offering your adaptation to the community.

    Jerry Seeger
    Director of Theatre
    The Sagemont School
    Plantation FL

  • 44.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-27-2020 09:35

    Hi C.J.

    I'm a little late to the party, but if your offer is still open, I'm hoping to jump on the Spoon River bandwagon and request a copy from you.

    Thank you!

    Theresa Dolan
    Lansdale PA

  • 45.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-28-2020 06:59
    I would love to see this version also! 
    Jillpanyard@gmail .com
    Thank you CJ

    Jill Panyard
    Encore Homeschool Productions
    Aim Academy

  • 46.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-28-2020 14:56
    I would LOVE a copy please! Thank you!

    Jacquelyn Thompson-Mercer
    Bakersfield CA

  • 47.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-29-2020 11:14

    I'm interested as well. How very kind of you to offer this! Thank you!

    Salina South, Troupe 1476

    Kate Lindsay
    Salina KS

  • 48.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-30-2020 10:58
    Could you please send your adaptation to me, as well?

    Myndee Fleury Washington

    Music & Drama Teacher

    Union Park Charter Academy

    "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you EVERYWHERE"- Albert Einstein

  • 49.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-31-2020 12:39

    Hi there!

                  Do you think it could be adapted appropriate for middle school?  If so, I would like to look at it!  Thank you!




    ~Ms. J. Rubino

    7/8 Theatre/ELA/SS

    Ruth Musser Middle School

    "I am inimitable; I am an original."


  • 50.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 08-06-2020 11:43
    I would love a copy of this if you would email it to me.

    Amy Roberge
    Las Vegas NV

  • 51.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 08-07-2020 09:15
    We would love to see a copy if your offer still stands. Thank you!

    Kelly King
    Essex Fells NJ

  • 52.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 08-07-2020 11:22
    Great. Can you please give me your email address?

  • 53.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-05-2020 13:24
    Hi, C.J. 

    I would also be interested in your adaptation of Spoon River Anthology.  Thank you for sharing!

    Please forward to

    K Lang
    Ticonderoga NY

  • 54.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-29-2020 18:36
    Hi, I would love to have a copy of your script if it is not too big an inconvenience?

    Thank you,
    Zoraida Adams
    Troupe 6991

    Zoraida Adams
    Drama Department Cair
    Boca Raton FL

  • 55.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-30-2020 10:19
    Hi CJ,

    I'd be very grateful to receive the Spoon River script as well.

    Many thanks.


    Stuart Rosenthal
    Jordan Alexander Ressler Arts Chair/Arts Director
    Scheck Hillel Community School

    Juda and Maria Diener Lower School | Samuel and Henrietta Scheck Middle School | Ben Lipson Upper School
    19000 NE 25th Avenue | North Miami Beach, FL 33180
    o: 305.931.2831 x822 | f: 305.932.7463 

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  • 56.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-14-2020 08:59
    Let us know when THE RADIO PLAY DISASTER becomes available! I adore THE PLAY THAT GOES WRONG, so I'd love to take a look at it. I'm thinking I'm going to add a radio drama mini-unit to our regular voice work anyway, so that could pair nicely with your script.

    Cassy Maxton-Whitacre
    Theatre Department Coordinator
    Fishersville VA

  • 57.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-14-2020 12:38
    I appreciate your attitude so much.  I have been talking to theater houses who have not been willing for us to adapt their shows for this current situation.  Every time I read how you are doing this I say to myself, thank you Don.  So this is my public thank you.  

  • 58.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-15-2020 12:26
    HI Don, 
    I am really interested in your adaptation of Earnest. We are planning on doing that in February (we picked it because it is open domain and thus can be adapted for multiple deliveries) but if you have an adaptation that is already finished and appropriate for social distancing, streaming, Zooming, etc. than I would love to read it. I mean, if we can pay royalties to support working artists - then so much the better! 
    If it's possible, could I purchase or read a copy of Earnest in a Pandemic? 
    Thank you! 
    Tracie Folger

    Tracie Folger
    Grayslake IL

  • 59.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-17-2020 00:08

    Hey Don

    Thank you for sending me your copy of Earnest adapted for on line. I think you are doing a good job exploring the challenges of Zoom Theater. I don't know what my class sizes will be but we have lock down on after school activities. All coaching stipends are on hold. So I'm looking for something performance based for my advanced class since that's the only way we will likely be able to perform this fall. 

    I was thinking about doing a radio show and have been looking at the original War of the World Orson Wells script. It's a bit dry though and very very guy heavy. So I'm curious about your version. 

    John Monteverde
    Drama Teacher
    A3: The Academy of Arts & Academics
    Springfield, OR

  • 60.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-03-2020 20:20

    I haven't had the bandwidth to work on this much, what with trying to figure out how to do the past 3 months online, but now that we're wrapping up I'm starting to think about next year.

    We've already made changes to the order of our season, which would accommodate having to be closed through the summer but being able to back in person in the fall.  That change is switching our musical and main stage play, so that the musical moves to the winter and the play moves to the fall.  Our house is large, so as much as I hate it when the audience is all spread out, it is an option to put ample space between audience members.

    If that's not an option, then I'm hoping we can perform at school with no audience, in which case we could try for a live stream and try to find a way to sell tickets for it (and choose something cheap so we don't have to worry too much about recouping our money).

    If that's not an option, then I'll probably go to the public domain to find plays we can adapt for the virtual world.  Our problem is our district won't allow us to use Zoom.  We can use Microsoft Teams, so if we choose to do it this way I'd probably make sure whatever we do has small scenes so I can see everyone when we're rehearsing (Teams only allows you to see 9 people at a time, and you can't choose which 9).  The performance would likely have to be recorded, and not through Teams.  Probably each kid recording their own, or the kids logging on to Zoom and recording without me.  Still mulling over that one.

    And since all of it is super up in the air and we've heard nothing about what might happen next year, I have a list of show options a mile long (and Kindergarten is on that list, even though we did it a couple years ago).

    Laura Steenson
    Theatre Director
    Reynolds High School
    Troutdale OR

  • 61.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-04-2020 08:28
    I am joining a conference call with my building today discussing our 4 school options for next year: face to face, face to face and virtual, only virtual, and all outside the box and/or crazy ideas accepted here. I have joined the all crazy ideas accepted here group. So we are in most people's shoes--no idea. I have heard rumors that middle schools may not have fall sports. That doesn't bode well.

    Added to the joys of having no idea what the structure of the year will look like, I have been looking for plays that meet the SEL needs and community support needs of my humans. My students are highly active in the community and have actively called on their school to respond in force on the side of human rights in the wake of the recent deaths. I always look for a well rounded season with plays that speak to my students, but this year I am looking for plays that might be streamed, might be blocked 6-8 feet apart, and must absolutely comment on the state of the world today or celebrate the overlooked Black people who have triumphed beyond George Washington Carver. And rehearsing a play with such triggering issues screams intimacy coach-so online rehearsals is not the best forum.

    Picking a play should be easy, right.  Right there with you!!!!

    Jennifer Trice
    Theatre Director
    Virginia Beach VA

  • 62.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-05-2020 11:37
    The plays of Emily Mann, Ping Chong, the Tectonic Theater Project, The Exonerated — documentary theatre plays are great for performance with physical distance.

  • 63.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-04-2020 21:00
    Like many of my fellow playwrights, I'm allowing my scripts to be performed online, as streaming or a limited youtube post, and have given my permission to the publishers and licensors of my plays, including LETTERS TO SALA.

    KISSED THE GIRLS AND MADE THEM CRY, with its presentational structure, is already perfect for online platforms. Commissioned by Hall High in CT, it premiered at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe in 2015. With a cast of ten (4f/6m or 5/5/) the play deals with teens and sexual assault; the language may be too strong for some schools. It's published by Playscripts.

    Folks might be interested in knowing that SUSIE SITS SHIVA, commissioned by EdTA last year and workshopped and read at the 2019 Nebraska conference, will be presented online by Stagedoor Manor this summer. Director Eric Nightengale and I are currently working on a zoom-like version of the play, which is licensed by Dramatists Play Service. 

    Thanks to all of you out there in the trenches.

    Arlene Hutton, playwright
    Letters to Sala
    I Dream Before I Take the Stand
    Kissed the Girls & Made Them Cry
    As It Is In Heaven
    Susie Sits Shiva (EdTA commission)

    faculty, The Barrow Group, NYC

  • 64.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-04-2020 21:08

    I have a question to those of you who live streamed last spring, especially because the fall seems so uncertain. Were you able to sell tickets?  If so, how did that work?  I've seen streaming on free platforms like Facebook and You tube but not other options.  Eager to hear your thoughts.

    Nell Lynch

  • 65.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-05-2020 11:58

    I am very interested in this conversation.  Having seen a number of Zoom productions my sense is that direct address to the camera works best.  I think docu-drama seems to work well in this medium as the a camera becomes the audience and isn't a substitute for looking into another actor's eyes.  I know of LARAMIE and 26 PEBBLES.  Does any one have texts in this vain?  Maybe some docu-theatre piece about police brutality or racial inequity? 

    My fall production will need to be video presentation. We won't be permitted a live audience. I am actually going to use the opportunity to teach "acting for the screen."  I think teaching young actor's about bringing a performance down to size for the screen could lend to some exciting work. I asked my administration not to consider this Fall slot a piece of theatre but call it "film." I hope titling it a "film" will open up collaborative opportunities on campus and also set expectations of what it is and what it isn't.  

    My school is allowing us to have classes in person but with students in masks and six feet apart.  They expect that our full production season will begin in January but have asked that the musical be something that appeals to all divisions as it will be an opportunity to lift the entire school up.  I work in the Upper School but the school is a K-12.  For the musical I am leaning towards GODSPELL. 

    As a note of optimism I invite you all to check out this amazing message from Joe Haj, AD of the Guthrie Theatre." href="" rel="noopener">

    Jason Peck
    St. Luke's School
    Ridgefield CT

  • 66.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-05-2020 12:35
    Yes, I, too, discovered that when we converted our show to ZOOM, that making the camera the scene partner was far more effective.  I then began thinking more like a TV director than a theatre director. It's acting for the camera now!

    Amy Luskey Barth
    Talon Theatre Artistic Director
    Director, Thespian Troupe 5524
    Santa Margarita Catholic High School

  • 67.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-10-2020 08:58
    A couple of random thoughts:

    1. I think THE TRIANGLE FACTORY FIRE PROJECT may work in the same way as LARAMIE in terms of the fractured documentary style and thus could work well on Zoom.
    2. I was in the cast of The Importance of Being Earnest and we were two weeks from opening when everything shut down. We continued to rehearse on Zoom and had TONS of fun actually interacting through the camera and trying to find unusual ways to connect. @Don Zolidis, I love your idea for this piece, and I'd love to read the radio play that goes wrong! :-)
    3. In case people didn't see it, Qui Nguyen has created this:
    4. This is currently my go-to list for next year: We aren't scheduled for a musical (thank goodness, but I feel everyone else's pain), so like others here, I'm only perusing plays that can pivot to Zoom or livestream if needed.
    5. @Frieda Gebert, I love your idea about using the local cemeteries! I may look into that.
    6. My students usually work with a Theatre for Young Audiences guest artist to create and perform their own children's play, usually adapted from an existing story or song like Old MacDonald. I definitely think that could work if you need a small piece for fall or spring.
    7. Another guest artist did a really cool performance piece where he strung together different Shakespeare monologues along a theme (that year was sleep and dreams) and different students performed each piece. I think that would be another great student-created performance.​​​

    Cassy Maxton-Whitacre
    Theatre Department Coordinator
    Fishersville VA

  • 68.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-22-2020 16:04
    My best advice is play in the world of original student works. Constraints make us all more creative, and our students have their own brilliant ideas of how to make what they want to see work. Let them adapt famous works (like mentioned above) or create all new material. 

    I'm also thinking along the same lines of working on acting for the camera and focusing my technical classes on less supply and space demanding projects. This year will be about tiny details, makeup for film, close camera acting, and maybe even prop food for commercial type shoots. Trying to find ways to make it interesting and continue regular development of technique and training while knowing we may be distanced for learning or from our audience and flipping back and forth throughout the school year.

    We already do a lot of student created works and actually moved our 24 hour original play festival to an online original monologue/song festival in April. Some participants went as far as making their own sets, costuming themselves, and shooting in multiple locations around their house. I realized we've never done original short films even though we've done original one acts many times over every year. This year might just be the year of learning how to move skills across platforms from theatre to film and back. It certainly won't hurt that one year of the four in our high school program ends up having this unique focus. We may even end up attracting students who otherwise wouldn't or couldn't be involved in staying after school regularly or might not see where they fit into a more traditional stage production. I hope to attract a larger and more diverse population of our students perhaps through breaking into some new approaches.

    Kathleen McNulty Mann

    Program Director
    Arnold High School Theatre
    Thespian Troupe 6371
    Panama City Beach, FL

    District 10 Chair & State Logistics
    Florida State Junior Thespians

    Board Member
    Membership Committee Chair
    Florida Association for Theatre Education

  • 69.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-23-2020 07:28

    I am with you. Limitations/challenges create opportunities for creativity. Instead of stressing over what we can't do, focus on what we can do! 

    Take Care!

    Garry Tiller
    Theatre Arts Teaching Artist
    Sidwell Friends
    Washington, DC

  • 70.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-23-2020 13:27
    Hey there!

    We're actually doing a virtual production right now of Noises Off, utilizing OBS and it's surprisingly good. It was a pain to get the rights but we managed it. Looking to next year we're planning to do some new work that it's easier to talk with the actual playwrights and composers in order to do them virtually if it comes to that again.
    If you or anyone is interested in seeing what we're doing virtually the show is June 27th at 7pm MST, tickets and info are at

    Kelly Bidstrup Graham
    Performing Arts Teacher
    Arvada CO

  • 71.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-16-2020 17:57
    Is your show recorded?  I'd love to see it.

    Laura Gilbert
    Lockport IL

  • 72.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-23-2020 22:37
    I was looking into 12 Angry Men, but I want to do the version that has men and women in it. I know someone did an adaptation of this play in this manner, but I can't find it anywhere. Does anyone know where I can find a copy or secure rights to it? Thanks in advance for your help!


    Joey Plaia
    Drama Director
    John Carroll Catholic High School

    Joey Plaia
    Drama Director
    John Carroll Catholic High School
    Birmingham AL

  • 73.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-24-2020 06:23

    I believe you will have to order a copy of both the male and female versions and choose the characters you want to use.  Dramatic Publishing offers both versions.  The original is also available through Concorde (Samuel French).  Hope this information helps.

    Ken Robinson

    Kenneth Robinson
    Drama Club Sponsor
    Wapahani High School
    Selma IN

  • 74.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-24-2020 12:40
    Just FYI, if you're planning to do a show virtually/livestream/zoom, 12 Angry Men/12 Angry Women/12 Angry Jurors is a NO from Dramatic Publishing, who does the licensing for the "non-professional" rights.  I asked last week. Anything that has been a movie/tv show is a "no," from what I was told by DPS. I'm sure there are exceptions to that. 
    If you're planning to do it in person, then you just buy a copy of 12 Angry Men and 12 Angry Women, cast however you want, gender-wise, and adjust lines as needed. handles the rights for non-professional groups. 

    So, I'm back to the drawing board on my fall show...

    Sarah Haman
    Hot Springs AR

  • 75.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-24-2020 14:44
    Oy, bad news, Sarah!  When Joey mentioned the show I though "oh!  That could be perfect!!"  Ah well, back to the drawing board I suppose.

    Laura Steenson
    Theatre Director
    Reynolds High School
    Troutdale OR

  • 76.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-24-2020 15:02
    MTI said the same thing in their ITF session yesterday. Anything movie/tv, or in development, is a no for streaming.

    Crit Fisher
    Lighting/Sound Designer
    New Albany High School

  • 77.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-24-2020 13:47
    Hi!  The rights for all versions of 12 Angry Men are held by Dramatic Publishing in Woodstock, IL. 
    It's a great show!  I hope you enjoy your experience doing it. 
    Marti Fowler

  • 78.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-25-2020 01:00
    I am on the board of a theatre company here in Asheville that did Twelve Angry Jurors almost two years ago.  Dramatic Publishing has the rights to Twelve Angry Men, and they give permission to change any or all of the jurors to female. 

    Just changing the gender of several of the jurors really updates the play.  The company performed a free show for my high school students, and the response was phenomenal.  I can only imagine that it would seem even more current right now.

    But I have to say that this is not a play I would consider for a production that might have to move onto a Zoom sort of platform.  The overlap and interruptions are terribly important, and that just isn't possible when only one cast member can speak at a time.

    C. J. Breland
    Retired Theatre Arts Educator
    Asheville NC

  • 79.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-24-2020 09:28
    We are watching and waiting.  Right now we have the rights to two shows for the late winter and spring and we have not planned anything for the fall - yet.  We have not been told what things will look like in the fall at this point, so we are trying not to second guess.  We are willing to try an online platform for the fall if we need to, but we haven't really discussed any details.

       The not knowing is really stressful.


    Patricia J. Santanello, Ed.D.
    Educational Theatre Association - Ohio Chapter
    Co-Chapter Director
    Dublin Scioto High School
    Dublin, Ohio

  • 80.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-25-2020 06:28
    Edited by Drew Whitley 06-25-2020 06:29

    Hi, all! 

    This has been the most wonderful thread to read as I've just been lamenting the lost potential of the fall (and really the whole year). I have a really special group of seniors coming up and I've been so worried that there was no chance for a special year for them, but everything here is giving me hope! 

    Right now we have the rights to PIPPIN in the spring and I'm holding out hope that we're able to produce and perform. Our school produced our first musical in at least 25 years last year (it was my second year at the school and I think that's ultimately what landed me Teacher of the Year!) and it was such a big community building activity. 

    My plan is to devise for our spring play (or maybe our fall play now??) and I've been studying up on Tectonic's Moment Work method after a workshop I took with them this spring. Any ideas for "jumping off points" or specific source material that is timely with Black Lives Matter? I teach in a small Southern town, but I have open and caring kids and great administration and I feel it is a subject we would be remiss to not tackle in some form.  

    Thanks to everyone again for all of the posts above! 

    Drew Whitley 
    Theatre and English Teacher 
    D. W. Daniel High School 
    Central, SC


  • 81.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-25-2020 09:18
    Good Morning,

    We find out next week what 2020-2021 will look like for our school system. We received the state recommendations last week and the board meeting is Monday 6/29. Based on what we have read and heard, we have our original season that we announced in March and we developed and "alternative" season based on the decisions of the board. Fingers crossed.

    Crit Fisher
    Lighting/Sound Designer
    New Albany High School

  • 82.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-26-2020 19:52
    Andrew, consider Four Little Girls From Birmingham.  It's about the girls who died in the B"ham church bombing.  

  • 83.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-25-2020 16:05
    Thanks everyone for your input.  It's good to know that we are all creating and adjusting our programs for a this new adventure.  I appreciate the giving spirit of this thread.  Let's keep this up and help and support each other.

    Kendal Fries
    Trinity Theatre Director
    Euless, Texas

  • 84.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 06-29-2020 18:27
    Edited by Sarah Buchheit 06-29-2020 18:27
    Like so many others, I am currently in "wait and see" mode.  I'm gathering ideas for our productions, looking for shows that have the potential to be versatile and flexible- so they could be viable options for my students no matter if we are able to perform live or virtual or somewhere in between.  As I've been digging into the new world of live streaming to explore my options, it seems that more and more companies are developing their own platforms- which seems to further complicate things.  I'd like to maintain the ticketing system that we have been using if at all possible.  I'm glad that we are still finding ways to create theatre with our students, but I can't help but think that some of these companies need to work together more.  Now is not the time for competition within our own art form.  Grateful for this community's insight and support!

    Sarah Serbus
    Theatre Director
    Union R-XI School District
    Union, MO

  • 85.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-20-2020 09:17

    I used Spoon River Anthology for my Theater 2 students' final project on zoom last semester.  They did very well.
    I had performed several selections from it as my dramatic interpretation of literature in the national finals of the Catholic Forensic League in 1970. 

    Here is the link to the Broadway adaptation by Charles Aidman. You could chose characters to fit your actors.

    Kate Costello
    Theater director
    Saint Viator High School
    Arlington Heights IL

  • 86.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-20-2020 13:05

    Hello everyone!!!

       I am so thankful to have found this thread and hope directors will CONTINUE to post updates and where they are at.  I find myself in such a "bog" right now.  I want to move forward but know I can't until school decisions are finalized.  It has been such a mental and soul battle to keep motivated when NOT knowing what the future holds and considering what it COULD hold in terms of our amazing drama students. 

       At this point, after some great advice/thoughts from other theater directors across the country, I'm hoping to have an outdoor show in early October in Michigan, behind our theater, in a parking lot.  I'm looking at SLEEPY HOLLOW or some show appropriate of the Halloween season and being outside.  I could see some very creative, with social distancing, approaches to concessions. 

       We lost our spring production of NEWSIES. As many of you, our Spring show is really our money maker.  So not only do I want to keep the drama program alive for our students, but I need to find ways to generate some funds for eventual future productions and competitions and such.   

       If you have ANY suggestions for suspense/spooky outdoor shows or creative fundraising, please email me ( or add to this thread.

      Thank you again for being such a GREAT community. 

    James McCulloch
    Drama Director of Mariner Drama
    Marine City, Michigan

  • 87.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 08-17-2020 09:39
    @James McCulloch

    I too am hoping for an outdoor production in October of our Spring Musical that Was shut down 2 weeks prior to Show Night. Whether on Zoom or outdoor, I do think we will only be able to offer virtual programs so in addition to the Ads we have already sold, we'll be offering video ads. Reach out if you want more info.

    Maria Stadtmueller 
    St. Augustine School 
    Kendall Park, NJ

    Sent from my iPhone


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  • 88.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-22-2020 16:59
    Edited by Jerry Seeger 08-18-2020 08:47
    If you have to ZOOM (and depending on your community) you might take a look at The Right to Remain Silent at Eldridge plays (  It is a play consisting mostly of monologues of people having their mugshots taken.  Written by Mark Fauser and the late Brent Briscoe, it has no set and might work well for you.

    Jerry Seeger
    Director of Theatre
    The Sagemont School
    Plantation FL

  • 89.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-23-2020 20:17

    Hi John,

    I’d love to see your Zoom Show both live & recorded. We are waiting to hear if our resumed Show from March (we ended with 2 weeks to Show night) will be Record & Stream, livestream, or outside in October. I’d love to see what you did & then pick your brain about what worked & what you thought it was be.

    As for next year, I’m doing my usual summer Reads to find the right show for our group but my list has other elements to it, namely searching for a musical with many solos & monologues in case we are on Zoom. If we go back to school in shifts then I’m looking for a musical that has different characters in Act 1 then Act 2 like in Children of Eden so we can work in pods if extra curricular activities are allowed on site with those in school that day. I’m also looking at 2 One Act musicals that will compliment each other to do in pods if I can’t find A musical with different characters in Each Act.
    I’ve been working on modifying our fall Acting classes, Auditions, cabaret, Team Trivia, Drama Games Day & choreography online. If anyone has any tips to modifying what we already do for online interaction, please suggest.

    We will be back!!

    Maria Stadtmueller
    St. Augustine School
    Kendall Park, NJ

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  • 90.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-24-2020 15:48
    Edited by Rose Steele 07-24-2020 15:49
    Maria - have you thought about Once Upon a Mattress?  It has lots of lead characters - Winifred, the King, the Queen, the Jester, the Minstrel, the Prince, the Wizard, Sir Harry and Lady Larken, and nearly all of them have songs.  Some are duets, but that's easier to manage on Zoom than big production numbers.  It does have the Spanish Panic, which would be challenging.

    Rose Steele
    theatre consultant
    Rose Steele Theatre Consulting
    San Jose CA

  • 91.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-24-2020 17:55
    Thanks so much, I'll look at it

    Sent from my iPhone

  • 92.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-24-2020 20:46
    For the past 5 years I've done a radio play version of A Christmas Carol with a class of our LD students.  It would be perfect for Zoom performances.  I'm old enough to remember Readers Theater being huge.  There are still scripts out there and it may be time we revisit them!  A Christmas Carol is by Anthony Palermo and can be found at There are sound effects that go with it and there is a 30 minute version and a longer version.

    Valerie Scott
    Drama Teacher/Director
    Perimeter School
    Johns Creek, Ga

  • 93.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-07-2020 10:21
    Hi Valerie,

    I just had to say that I too have done this version of A Christmas Carol, it's really is a terrific show! Great for Zoom performances!

    Stay safe,


    Laura Rizzo
    Theatre Teacher/Director
    Miami Country Day School
    Miami FL

  • 94.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-07-2020 13:39

    There's the It's a Wonderful Life Live Radio Play which might be adaptable to streaming.  It's available from which does say 'streaming rights available'.  I didn't look deeply into the specifics, but it also says a short version is available.  Here's the link:


    Back in my reader's theatre day I remember The Veldt, by Ray Bradbury being a very spooky and effective story, too.



      5020 Page Mill Drive

      San Jose, CA 95111



  • 95.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-26-2020 15:49
    Monologue based - but interwoven, docudrama style writing, speaking to the camera, technically achievable - For me, this Public Theater production is the most effective use of the medium that I have seen.  It is the only online production that I have watched that I have enthusiastically recommended to my non-theater friends and family.  I believe that this type of production is doable for drama programs within the current environment.

    Kevin Manley
    San Diego CA

  • 96.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 07-26-2020 16:05
    The Line looks amazing!  Anyone have a bead on how to get the script and if licensing is avail?

    Jason Peck
    The Benjamin School
    Palm Beach Gardens FL

  • 97.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-08-2020 11:02
    I'm also interested in this piece! Any knowledge of its availability?

    Jolyne Sampley
    Theatre and History Educator
    Aspire Langston Hughes Academy
    Stockton CA

  • 98.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-09-2020 14:36
    I'm wonderingif anyone has considered doing a comedy not written with social distancing in mind.    And play up the distancing as part of the humor.    As an example,  a love scene with plastic plexiglass screen in between the actors would add to humor as well as a dinner party with a thirty foot long table and everyone shouting to one another.    I would guess a shorter play cause you can't use ther same gag over and over cause it would get tired.

    Leon Kaye
    Playwright for the Ages

  • 99.  RE: Thoughts for next season

    Posted 10-09-2020 23:33
    Whew. Just read through all the (nearly) 100 replies that have rolled in since June. I ignored it until now because my district has a really weird schedule (just 2 periods at a time for 6 weeks; teach an entire semester in 6 weeks; start over and do it again with the next 2 periods; etc.). I don't see my Theatre I/II students until the end of October (All my other classes are French, not theatre). We were just told yesterday that we will definitely not be in person until January. So our fall production (typically produced IN class - annual murder mystery dinner theatre) will be in December (LOL) and via Zoom. I've taken a ton of notes based on y'all's discussion over the past several months. What I want to know NOW has it been going? Have any of you mounted virtual productions this fall? Were you happy with the results? I look forward to your responses! (P.S. my class will be split into morning and afternoon cohorts, further complicating rehearsals.)

    Shanda Bonn
    Theatre Teacher
    Simi Valley CA