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  • 1.  Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-15-2013 21:31

    Thespians meeting during the year start to slow down and there is less and less to talk about. Less activities to discuss and attends start to drop. What do you do to keep thespians upbeat and fun? Thanks 

    D'Andre Carter
    Region 1 Rep


  • 2.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-16-2013 01:15
    We try to do troupe night out throughout the year. This way, even if nothing else is going on, we get everyone excited to go and do something together. Normally troupe night out means dinner together and then we attend another high school's show! 

    This question, though, is one I ask myself all the time, and I too, would love ideas! We notice the same thing with our troupe! 

    Katie Siegel
    ITO Chair


  • 3.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-17-2013 09:04
    Often times we run community service events or fundraisers. We have restaurant nights. We have Cabaret nights where kids come to perform pieces. We also schedule rehearsals for our North East Festival and our State Festival.

    Carolyn Little
    High School English Teacher
    Toms River Board of Education


  • 4.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-18-2013 09:51
    We solve this problem at least a little bit by staggering our meetings. We are so busy making theatre during the school year that it is sometimes hard to meet as a troupe. Therefore, we have a meeting during the following months: September, October, November, January, February, April, and May. The Thespian officers plan the content for each meeting during their retreats over the summer.

    Mark Zimmerman
    Theatre Director
    Akron School for the Arts
    Akron Public Schools


  • 5.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-27-2013 18:41

    Troupe 5483 has drama club about twice a month. Each meeting we start with announcements, play a game that is in relation to our focus area, then we have some kind of mini workshop about our focus area. For example, our last meeting was improv so we taught improv games that the students performed at the end of the meeting. What keeps us upbeat is our energy, keeping students on their feet and engaged in a goofy yet dramatic way has worked wonders for us.

    However, just like your situation D'Andre, we have run into the problem of running out of ideas as the year goes on. Feel free to message me and we can get some ideas flowing to benefit us both!

    Hope this helps
    Alexander Minton
    Nebraska Thespian State Board Member

  • 6.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-28-2013 07:32
    How do you balance the time for Thespian meetings with the need to rehearse every day?  Most of my Thespians are also involved in our main stage productions.

    Richard Osann
    Bonny Eagle HS, Standish, ME
    Theatre Teacher


  • 7.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-29-2013 10:19
    We have a standing Thespian meeting on Wednesdays. We work the rest of the rehearsals around Wednesdays!

    Laurilea Williams
    Theatre Director
    Headstrong Theatre


  • 8.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-29-2013 23:29
    Our meetings work the same as Laurilea's. Drama club meetings every other Wednesday, and them rehearsal is worked around it. It has worked well for us! ------------------------------------------- Alexander Minton Nebraska Thespian State Board Member -------------------------------------------

  • 9.  RE:Thespians meetings

    Posted 10-30-2013 12:00
    Since we have rehearsal almost everyday after school, our productions are completely extracurricular leaving the classes to focus on their specific curriculum, we have a standing once a month Troupe officers and sub committee meetings prior to the school day.

    Richard Hogle
    New Mexico
