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  • 1.  Crazy for You Effects

    Posted 11-19-2015 17:13

    Can anyone give me some help or ideas on building the car in Crazy for You to make it mobile or how to do the various special effects in the bar scene where several items are "shot"?  Thanks for any help you can give!

    Sarah Gerling
    Theatre Teacher and Director
    Columbia MO

  • 2.  RE: Crazy for You Effects

    Posted 11-20-2015 07:28

    It has been quite awhile since I did that show and I can't recall the car.  But the items that are shot can be done with a number of things.  For bottles that are shot you can buy break away bottles (sugar glass) and have them sitting by a flat with a small hole in the flat behind them.  A device is located behind the flat rigged with a small nail and a spring (so the hole can be very small).  It is then operated by a crew person at the appropriate time.  The nail breaks the bottle.  If it is a vase, or something similar you can use pre-fired items.  I can't recall what they are actually called.  But before items such as mugs and vases are fired they are very brittle and prone to easy breakage.  Paint them so they look finished and then use the same mechanism as with the bottle.  

    John Ballantyne
    J&B Production Arts Services
    Youngstown OH

  • 3.  RE: Crazy for You Effects

    Posted 11-22-2015 10:28
    I think we used cans instead of bottles. Easy to make them pop up from under the bar or behind the flat (it's been fifteen years since I did this one). The car was off stage. Never had to see it. Sound effect of car arriving and car doors was easy.

    Scott Hasbrouck

  • 4.  RE: Crazy for You Effects

    Posted 11-21-2015 08:40

    The car can be two 3/4 plywood platforms on a rolling wood frame powered by the feet of the actors a la Fred Flintstone. The sides of the car can be a luan profile with a paint job. Hang black fabric to the ground to mask the feet. (It works).  Double doors on the downstage side. An opening on the upstage side covered with a black cloth. The girls enter and exit the car center stage through a split in the midstage curtain. Hinge the top rear of the car roof so Bobby can climb up through it for his fantasy dance on the roof and the hood. Use white tape to show Bobby the edges of the car roof. 

    Use a split cover of luan on top of the hood with a gaff tape hinge so Bobby and driver can "open" the hood from the upstage side for the car repair.  

    Also, we made a double rack from screws on the rear upstage side of the car to hold 

    the candlestick phones for the "take a message" bit in "Can't be bothered now".

     (I'll try to post a picture. But I am having trouble getting it off the phone and into here.) 

    Bob Sedoff
    Board member Mn chapter EdTA
    Sedoff, Inc.
    Edina MN

  • 5.  RE: Crazy for You Effects

    Posted 11-21-2015 08:46

    Ps. Car design and paint by Robin Mcintyre.  

    Bob Sedoff
    Board member Mn chapter EdTA
    Sedoff, Inc.
    Edina MN

  • 6.  RE: Crazy for You Effects

    Posted 11-22-2015 11:15
    Bob that is freaking awesome. Well done sir. Student built or do you have pros helping?

    Scott Hasbrouck
    George Washington HS
    Denver, CO

  • 7.  RE: Crazy for You Effects

    Posted 11-23-2015 20:20

    The car was built by Mounds View Community Theater that did the production this past summer. We got the majority of or set and props from them.... Sometimes you just get lucky...

    We build with students and adults.In this picture, We built the Zangler front and , We commissioned the painting of the black and white marquees.  

    Bob Sedoff
    Board member Mn chapter EdTA
    Sedoff, Inc.
    Edina MN