EdTA Theatre Education Conference

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PROJECT SPEAK UP! Theatre on Purpose

  • 1.  PROJECT SPEAK UP! Theatre on Purpose

    Posted 09-17-2019 20:23
    Stop by the PROJECT SPEAK UP! booth at the EDTA National Convention to hear about a royalty-free educational toolkit that uses theatre as a catalyst for conversation about issues impacting the mental health of students.  SPEAK UP! enables adults to see the issues and their causes through a youth lens and equips them with the tools they need to listen and support them. The educational toolkit has been developed by mental health professionals and piloted as a resource to provide easy on-ramps within the school setting to empower young people to speak up about their mental and emotional health needs.  When Students "Speak Up" are you listening? www.theatreonpurpose.org

    Amy Luskey Barth
    Talon Theatre Artistic Director
    Director, Thespian Troupe 5524
    Santa Margarita Catholic High School