
So this is a blog???/???1?!?!??!????!?!?!

By Wendy Frye posted 06-19-2014 05:49

I guess that, since this blog belongs to me, I might as well personalize it with whatever I feel and whatnot.

Currently I am listening to: The XX-Together, from Baz Luhrmann's' motion picture The Great Gatsby soundtrack.
It is 2:33am and I am thinking about the coming up  International trip.

I am 17, I live in California. I have never been out of state, let alone on a plane. I am absolutely both terrified and excited, and the contradictions are sending chills up and down my spine. I have no idea what to expect from going to International fest, but from what I gathered with information given to me by fellow troupe members, this trip is going to be the time of my life.  That brings me to the fear that leaving at the end of the week, I will be so heartbroken to be going home.

I don't know really, But I do know that my head shot photo used for my profile is two years old and I should take an up-to-date selfie of myself. And that I play way too much Terraria (a video game on steam, for those who don't know what it is)  for myself to be healthy.
I did some yoga today, that was nice.

Hi I'm Wendy, lets be friends.



06-19-2014 16:23

Thank you for the tip, Ginny! I had no clue about the shoes thing. This is like a whole new world to me!

06-19-2014 09:41

Welcome Wendy!! We're so excited to get the chance to meet you at Festival, it will definitely be an unforgettable experience. Tip for your first flight: wear easy on/easy off, closed toe shoes (Toms or Sperrys are perfect). You'll probably have to take them off and put them on quickly at the security check and the floor of an airplane is always cold!