
Wonderful Work With Wyoming Thespians!

By Tyler Fredrickson posted 12-11-2017 20:29


I began day one of the festival early and eager, having arrived in Casper the night before. While the board and I were making sure we were as ready as can be, the voices of eager Thespians filled Casper College!

These voices had a lot more to talk about, as this was the first year workshops were offered during this event! As Guidebook also debuted, students knew that this year was different and therefore approached it with newfound energy.

After the 19 incredible STO of Wyoming opened the festival, the college was officially taken over by Thespians! There were IEs and workshops in every corner. Every student found a way to stay involved, whether in participating or rallying support for their peers. The day ended with a fantastic performance of Peter and the Starcatcher from Troupe #001! Not only was the production exceptional, but the feeling of honor knowing we sat in one of the founding homes of the International Thespian Society made the experience one of a kind for everyone in the audience.

Day two showed no signs of slowing down! I worked to experience the festival through the eyes of the students! This included some fantastic tech entries, dance and stage combat workshops, and a fantastic session of my leadership workshop, Justice League-ing Up! We wrapped this day with a fantastic performance of Spamalot!

On the third and final day, you would think students would be tired and lack energy, but these students continued to be the embodiment of passion and excitement! I began my day with  a fun filled session of AdvoCATe, which I will remember for a long time. When students feel inspired, there is no limit to what they can produce!

As we finished the last workshops and IEs of the day, we all gathered together to celebrate the accomplishments of the weekend.

I left Wyoming the next morning, feeling so grateful for the opportunity to learn from all of the fantastic Thespians of this state.

Next stop: Nebraska! Be sure to keep up with the ITO on facebook and instagram at The International Thespian Officers, Snapchat at ITOOfficial, and twitter at ITOTylerF!

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