
Another Post about #ThesFest14

By Tracie Kunzika posted 07-04-2014 11:14

Hello Thespians!

I have been lucky enough to have been attending the International Thespian Festival for three years in a row, and they just keep getting better! This year I'd have to say is my personal favorite because I just felt completely comfortable being surrounded by all of these gifted people while also being given so many different opportunities.

Monday afternoon truly kicked off my week of festival while I was participating in "An Evening with Shaiman and Wittman" as part of the extra kick right at the end of the opening event. It was amazing to have people from all over the country come in to dance and sing in unison without ever having met before. When we put it all together with the cast and crew, it felt truly amazing and possibly the best way to kick off festival for every single person there. 

The rest of my week had a similar format: Wake up at 6:30 am, attend leadership at 8:00 am, attend workshops (if possible), watch Main Stage shows, dance till curfew, sleep, and repeat (with minimal alterations each day of course). As monotonous as this may sound, it is still the best time I could ever have. Going to leadership, as early as it is, will always be a great experience because you're surrounded by 100+ thespians who not only are extremely passionate about theater, but are willing to take the next step to help with their thespian troupes and encourage participation. Being able to meet such dedicated thespians is mostly why I wanted to become an ITO.

This year I have been given the opportunity to become your Region IV ITO! I am extremely excited to serve you and to be on this journey with you.
1 comment



07-09-2014 13:37

Congratulations, Tracie!