
Iowa State Thespian Festival

By Sharon Chadwick posted 11-11-2017 19:25

What a great beginning to Festival! Two main stage shows adjudicated for ITF! Peter and the Star Catcher and A Piece of my Heart. Both were excellent productions! And there are two more tomorrow. I had an opportunity to sit in as an interviewer for the new Iowa State Thespian Student Officer Board. I learned a lot about their very unique process of electing their STO. Lots of good ideas to take back to my state. The Iowa student and adult board are so welcoming and so are the people. So many of the candidates talked about how the Thespians in Iowa are a family, and indeed they are. The STO and Adult board work so well together. Congratulations to Aaron Dean and Leslie La Corte and the rest of the board for creating such a positive environment for their students and teacher. Day two was equally amazing! I had the honor of adjudicating scholarship auditions. What a wonderfully talented group of students. It was my pleasure to see the IE showcase. What a great group of students. Their improv category (not a category for ITF) was a delight to see. Lots of new ideas to take back to Nevada! Thanks Iowa! It was my pleasure to serve as your EdTA rep!
