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Ripples of Advocacy

By Mallory Nonnemaker posted 07-31-2017 16:52

I just wanted to share something kind of cool that was a coda of sorts to our advocacy day. One of out ITO is from Georgia- Caroline. She had a 3 pm appointment and I was her buddy for it. We had 2 hours of downtime between our senate meeting and her rep so we spent some quality time walking around DC and fangirling outside of offices. As we were walking Caroline was telling me she is a part of the Collision Project at the Alliance Theatre in Atlanta. I was immediately excited because I interned with Collision before I started teaching. Collision project is a 3-week intensive where high school students “collide” with a text and write and respond to it and then a playwright creates a performance piece. I asked her what text they were working with and it was John Lewis’s MARCH. I was excited because I love John Lewis and Collision and she told me the shows were this weekend.
On our way to the rep, we stopped by John Lewis’s office to tell his staff “thank you” and Caroline told them about the project and they said he’d be in Atlanta and she should contact the scheduler. Fast forward to yesterday. I was attending to support Caroline and also see how students responded to the text and support the arts. John Lewis attended ( I didn’t tackle him or do anything weird). Here is Caroline meeting him before the show:

The performance piece was truly inspirational. The students expressed their concerns and their passions and how they feel they can make a difference. In the talkback, someone asked: “What advice would you give to other young people?”
Caroline stood up and answered talking about her experience on the hill. She said “your representatives and their aides will listen to you and they do care about the teen voice- you just have to use it” 
So- we had at least a little victory. Bonus points go to John Lewis who told the ensemble performance inspired him to go back to Washington and continue the good fight.




08-08-2017 21:48

@Jessica Harms Mallory and I had visited John's office, and I told a staffer about the show and emailed the scheduler about it as well. Pearl Cleage, the playwright who worked alongside us, also called in frequently to spread the word! It was an ongoing effort that totally paid off.

08-07-2017 11:47

This is incredible!  Was John Lewis specifically invited by Collision or did he come because he heard about it from your advocacy?  Thank you for the impact you are all making.

08-05-2017 15:25

Thank you for sharing this, Mallory! This July was so life changing and I'm so glad you have been by my side for all of these incredible moments. Everything comes full circle with theatre. I'm still in shock that I got to hug John Lewis, a hero who fought for a change that allows us to see each other as one. He said that theatre and art are essential, and that we cannot live without it.